twenty-four; sea creature

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"What a joke

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"What a joke."

We kept walking and after God knows how long, Jaha stops and walks normally towards a sign saying:


"Another test passed." he breathes out and John smiles at me, making me smile back. "We made it." He states. "Come on."

We run behind him and up, hopefully, the last dune.

We get up and look at the promised City of Light. As I look in front of me I regret every decision I've made in the last week.

"You gotta be fucking joking," I argue.

"Are you kidding me? This is it?!" John snaps at the vision in front of him.

It was miles and miles of solar panels.

"This is what we crossed a desert to find?!"

"It can't be," Jaha mutters.

"Well, guess what? Your enlightened society? It's not a city. It's nothing!" John tells him.

"I flew down from space. I defied death. It was all for a reason. It has to be." Jaha denies and I roll my eyes as I take a deep breath.

"You did the exact same thing we did, so keep it down," I tell him annoyed. "Solar fucking panels." I nod in deny as I walk down the dune towards the thing in front of us.

"What a joke."

"It doesn't make any sense," Jaha mutters to himself. "The rest of the world is broken, but these panels are intact."

"Well, we can fix that." John grabs one of the rocks on the ground at throws it at the panel, breaking one of the glasses.

When he does this, a flying device comes towards us.

"What the hell is that?"

"A drone," I answer him and he looks at me confused about how I know this. "Four years alone gives you a lot of time to read."

"Don't lose sight of it," Jaha orders as he runs towards it and we run behind him.

The drone flies towards a body of water. A boat perfectly placed right next to it.

"Where's it going?" Cosmos asks as Jaha gets into the small boat.

"I don't know... but we're gonna follow it." He states. "In this."

"Tell me, what level of crazy is too much for you?" John asks sarcastacly. "I'm just curious."

"We need a boat... and a boat appears. This is our destiny. The City of Light is out there and we are gonna find it." Jaha looks back at us from the boat. "Now, get in the boat."

FIRE AND GOLD ▸ JOHN MURPHY (editing) Where stories live. Discover now