thirty-eight; broken machine

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"At least you'll be alive to hate me

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"At least you'll be alive to hate me."

The man is tied to a chair in the middle of a white room. The grounder sees me and swallows hard tightening his jaw.

"I know you." He tells me and I scoff.

"Of course you know me. Everyone does." I get closer to him as John stays close to the door.

"Keryonjaka." He mutters and I smirk.

"The one and only."

"Keryon what?" John asks and I close my eyes for a split second.

"Soul thief." The man answers for me.

"Now... why are you here?" I kneel in front of him.

"I only came here for the food."

"See, I wasn't planning on torturing anyone. I only came here because I was promised a break so I don't really have the poisons and everything..." I put my hands on his knees helping me up. "That doesn't mean I can't make you talk." I make a clean cut on his thigh.

He groans in response and I grab his face.

"I only came here for the food. Things I can trade. I scavenge so my family can eat." I let go of him "Please." He begs and I look into his eyes.

I walk outside and grab John.

"You sure it's him?" I ask him and he rolls his eyes at me.

"f course it's him. Didn't you hear Emori?"

"I don't think he's lying." I look at the room.

"If he's lying then Emori is. You rather believe him?"

"Don't make me answer that." I go back into the room, walking towards the man.

"You can torture me all you want, it won't change the fact that-" Before he's able to finish his sentence Emori shows up and punches him in the face.

"Who's the scared child now, Baylis?" She hits him again. "For my brother. For me!"

"Wait." Clarke interrupts her.


"You'll kill him."

"That's the idea." Emori looks back at the panting man.

"Why don't you stay out of it and let her have this, Clarke?" John speaks up and I scoff.

"What if his death could save us all?" Clarke looks between all of us.

* * *

We had tied the man to a table and Abby was injecting him. She was testing the nightblood, but for that, he would have to be exposed to the radiation, and probably die in the process.

FIRE AND GOLD ▸ JOHN MURPHY (editing) Where stories live. Discover now