forty-six; secrets and natblida

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"Look around you

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"Look around you. It will happen again unless you take control."

We were sitting in the main office, back in the bunker. Clarke was checking O's arm, I was sitting in front of them and the kid was standing there, looking at us.

"Gross." She says looking at the wound on Octavia's arm making me chuckle.

"Madi." Clarke looks at the girl."The infection's passing, but this is gonna hurt. Are you sure you don't want Jackson?"

"Jackson's tending to Indra and the others in medbay. Just do it." Octavia tells her as Clarke presses a cloth with alcohol on O's wound.

"Madi's a big fan." Clarke looks at the kid and then at us. "Of both of you."

"Really?" I ask Madi, smirking and she nods making me nod back. "What did you hear about us? All good I hope."

"Clarke said you were a warrior." She looks at me and I look at Clarke.

"Who's your favorite?" I ask the girl.

"Murphy." She replies and I smirk at her.

"Mine too." I wink, letting out a chuckle.

"She also said you were Murphy's girlfriend." Madi tells me.

I laugh a bit at her words, reminding myself how we were.

"Madi." Clarke looks at her, noticing that she touched a nerve. "She's heard every story about the girl under the floor who saved the human race." She looks at O.

"Now what's your story? You survived 6 years of radiation? What's your secret?" Octavia asks her.

"Synthetic Nightblood, like me. I took her to Becca's lab and shared my bone marrow to keep her alive." Clarke answered for her. 

"You're lucky Clarke found you." Octavia tells her.

"Ready to move?" Cooper shows up.

"She needs another day's rest." Clarke looks at the woman.

"She needs to be with her people." Cooper corrected as I get up.

"I'm done licking my wounds. Let's go remind the others what we promised them." Octavia gets up too and Cooper helps her with her jacket, as I dress mine.

Octavia looks at Madi, walking towards her, and grabbing her arm.

"Kom folau, oso na gyon op." Octavia tells the girl.

"Kom folau, oso na gyon op." I also say as Madi looks at us, her eyes glowing, finally meeting who Clarke spoke about.

We walk out, people looking at us from up to down, fear in their eyes.

FIRE AND GOLD ▸ JOHN MURPHY (editing) Where stories live. Discover now