fifty-five; primes

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"Keep them coming

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"Keep them coming."

I wake up with someone hitting my face carefully not to hurt me. When I open my eyes I see Octavia looking down at me and hundreds of people I had never seen. Most of them, children.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask her as I get up. "Where's John?"

SHe doesn't reply and I push her out of my way, seeing a bloody John on the floor and a guy dressed in white with a snake, who was bitting him.

"What the hell is happening?!"

"What it's happening is that you try to slaughter your friends when the red sun kicked in." A man dressed almost as a king says.

"It wasn't you." Octavia assures me.

"It was me." I remember. "It was me in the bunker." I look at her.

I walk towards John, hoping he would wake up.

"What killed him wasn't the fight, was the venom." The man with the snake tells me and I frown.

"What do you mean killed him?"

"Almost killed. We're taking the venom-" Before he's able to finish, John wakes up, coughing.

I get taken away and I step back, getting away from him not know how to talk to him before this.

"Well done, Cillian." The boss tells the man with the snake. "Now, lock them up."

* * *

We were locked in a bar. John was laying on a table, asleep. I spent the whole time by his side, afraid that he would stop breathing any second.

"I can't believe this to him. I didn't think it was you. I saw the traitors of Wonkru when I looked at you, I thought- I thought I was still in the bunker. I'm so sorry." I look at Bellamy and Clarke.

"It's okay. It was the toxin." Bellamy tells me and I look back at John.

Not a second after this, Bellamy and O were arguing, then Echo and Clarke. Hopefully, they were all interrupted by some guy entering the bar with a girl and probably her mother.

"If it's true you survived the red sun, then you need a drink." The guy says, but I don't move from where I am.

"That's amazing. What is it?" Jasper asks the girl, already crushing on her. Kids.

"We call it-"

"Delilah..." He mother stops her.

"Relax, mother. I don't think they'll steal your recipe." Delilah smiles at Jordan. "We call it Jo juice after Josephine Prime. Hallowed be her name."

"Hallowed be her name." They all say making us look at each other.

"Uh, can I ask... It's probably none of our business, but what's a prime?" Clarke asks.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2021 ⏰

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