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All Might POV

I was out patrolling the beautiful city of Musutafu, when I noticed a slimy villain stealing someone's purse. I instantly jumped on to the scene and yelled.

"It is all right now ma'am, why? Because I AM HERE!😁" 

The slime villain instantly... crawled? slithered? uhm.... slipped! Yes! slipped away into a manhole cover, so I chased her down at full speed knowing that there was no one in the sewer at the moment.


Izuku POV

I was casually walking under a bridge thinking of the new agent KAY/0, and his abilities in the latest VALORANT update, when a slime like substance burst through a the manhole cover in front of me.

"ooh, a useless male, the perfect meat shield to hide in!"

I looked at her, as she tried to wrap me up, I activated my quirk, and knives appeared on my belt, and a green beanie could be seen on my head. I used a jett dash to avoid her. then used a modified Killjoy ultimate(both Valorant) to stop her dead in her tracks.

"WHAT?! I thought males should be quirkless! how did you move so fast?!"

"I'm the first male with a quirk, also I HATE it when males like me are treated like trash."

He was about to use Gibby's "dome of protection"(Apex Legends)All Might suddenly jumps out of the same manhole.

3rd person POV

"I AM HERE! Oh, hello young lady, have you seen a slime villain around here?"

"First of, I am not a girl, i'm a boy. Second, she's over there" Izuku said pointing to still detained slime girl.

"Oh okay, thank you for hel- WAIT WHAT?! You can't be male if you took her down so easily!" 

"Uhm, yeah I can, I just did. I'm quite sure that I'm the only male with a quirk" He said nonchalantly

All Might is speechless.

"What is your quirk young...?"

"Midoriya, my name is Izuku Midoriya. My quirk is called player, it allows me to gain the abilities, and appearance of certain video game characters, as long as i've used that character in game. The downside is that I am currently limited to 3 characters every hour"

All Might is once again speechless, she could not believe that a male has such a strong quirk.

3rd Person POV

'He could be a possible successor for OFA, his quirk alone makes him powerful enough to potentially beat AFO..' "If I may young Midoriya, what is your dream?" 

"I only have two goals in mind" He said with a smile, and burning determination in his eyes.

"To prove that males such as myself are not useless, and to become a hero that saves people with a smile."

"Those are two very admirable goals young Midoriya! If I may, who else knows of your quirk?"

Izuku's face turned from one of happiness, to dark. "My parents were the only ones that knew, they're dead now, the died protecting me from a villain" Izuku said with a face void of emotion. 

'OH NO, I'M RUNNING OUT OF TIME!' "I am sorry to hear that, you have my condolances, but I have to go. Till we meet again young Midoriya" 

but before she jumped, Izuku said something that made her freeze

"You don't have to hide it All Might, that wound of yours must really be dragging you down" 

She was about to ask him about this, but she ran out of time, and shrunk into her skinny form.

"How do you know about my condition young Midoriya?" She asked still shocked

"I have the abilities of any video game character I use All Might, don't you think there's one that can target people? When I discovered my quirk, I sometimes used it to watch your fights as if I was you, so I can see your wound from that... All for one guy. Don't worry, I have not, and won't share this with anyone" Izuku replied

"Can you give me a second young Midoriya?" All Might asked, as Izuku nodded, he was all of a sudden wearing what looked like a heavy piece of armor as he used a modified "dome of protection" to imprison the slime villain, and take her to the police.  All Might proceeds to call Nezumi, the principal of UA.

"Hello?" came her voice on the phone

"Hi Nezumi, it's Toshinora"

"Hello All Might! What can I do for you today?" Nezumi asks

"Well, I someone here who I would like to send to UA for this year."

"Ok, so what do you need me for Toshi? You can recommend her and we will look at her file." Nezumi responds

"That's the problem ma'am, I don't think you will take this seriously unless I tell you personally that HE would do well."

"..... I may consider this person, but what caused you to take interest in him?" Nezumi asks cautiously

"Because he has a quirk ma'am a very powerful one at that." All Might responds hoping that she'll accept him. Nezumi was quiet for almost a full minute before responding.

"I will accept him on one condition, bring him to UA tomorrow, say around 10-ish. I will test him to see if he can prove himself worthy of being the first male student of UA." Nezumi says seriously, she was curious, and wanted to know what All Might sees in this young boy. 

"All right, thank you ma'am for giving him this opportunity." All Might says ending the call. She releases a breath she didn't realise she was holding. She was worried that Nezumi would not even take interest in this boy.

"Young Midoriya, please come to UA tomorrow at 10, the principal would like to see if you are worthy to be in UA" All Might says.

Izuku is stunned, this was his chance to get into his dream school. The school that will allow him to save more people with a smile, and to prove to the world that males can do anything females can. "

Okay, I'll see you then All Might." 

She smiled and then walked away in her skinny form with the slime villain being secured in Izuku's shield thing. As the sun set, Izuku went back home to his cabin in the woods that he made himself:

As he lied down in his bed, he thought of the events that happened today, meeting All Might, helping her capture a villain, and getting a chance at UA

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As he lied down in his bed, he thought of the events that happened today, meeting All Might, helping her capture a villain, and getting a chance at UA. 

'It was a long day' he thought as he drifted off to a dreamless sleep.

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