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I'm back....finally.... i have so many plans. Tommy was helping me make the "safe place". But something was off. I look over to him and now that I am closer I see some things I didn't notice.

 His blond hair is more messy, he has bags under his eyes as black as they can be, he has scars all along his arms and legs, he has burn marks and a bunch of big scars on his face, he looks.... broken and lifeless, his eyes are no longer the ocean blue but a silver blue, his clothes are more padded and very ripped, he looks thin to the bone. This isn't the Tommy i knew....

I leave to go and think. I am walking down the prime path the wood against my shoes making a click sound with every step. I make it to a end of the path.... L'manburg..... I somehow feel like i didn't destroy it, i still feel it. i think back to the days when we were young. 

Tommy only 9 years of age, wearing his bright blue uniform and big brown boots. I guess it was never really about L'manburg.... Me and Tommy started the revolution, he fought loosing a life and gave away his discs, then he was still at my side when i went insane in pogtopia. Was L'manburg my symphony? 

As i stand there looking back on memories i think of Tommy's face when me and Quackity were yelling.... his face showed something I don't see in him often, fear. He has gone through so much.... 

What was I thinking i cant have Tommy work with me against quackity..... i need someone expendable.... How about that enderman boy..... yeah. But how can I keep Tommy safe? i promised him a safe place..... everyone and everything is against him. 

i cant even trust Tommy with himself! he tried to commit on the needle at quackity's place. I looked over at the prison and had an idea...


Wilbur left after the fight with quackity. I am working on the place like he told me to. Since wilbur left i started thinking... is wilbur manipulating me? No he cant be.... who can I trust? 

Ranboo is with tubbo, quackity is acting all sketchy as f*ck, jack is trying to kill me, i am not welcome to techno's or Phil's, Sam hates me, puffy is never here. 

I sat down noticing my hands shaking..... I knew what to do, after years of war and exile you learn how to overall control fear. i walked over the the stone d*c and sat on the stone path putting my feet in the water while my legs dangle.

 i put down a music box and put cat in it. the music made me feel safe.... my shaking and quick breathing began to cease and I started to get tired. i sat there looking up at the stars. I remember when me and tubbo would go out on a hill and lay down looking at the stars till we either fell asleep or were told to go to bed. 


I come back to the place where I left Tommy  to see him there... lying on the cold stone ground..... the song cat still playing. his breaths were raspy and shaky. I need to prepare.... 


its been three days and no one has really seen Wilbur. i was just messing around with the people in Las Nevada. the invisibility potion was so fun for tom foolery. 

then after i met up with ranboo and tubbo. we hanged out but they had to go back to Michael. then puffy helped me with building stuff. 

its been a week.... where is Wilbur? I guess if he wants to be alone then i should probably let him be. 

I've been feeling on edge, like someone is watching..... like i am being followed but whenever i look around no one is there. I was sleeping one night and had a horrid dream:

i looked around and there was dream! just standing there. I started to run but then giant hands grabbed me. It was Wilbur singing my L'manburg. then I saw quacktiy standing next to a bloody dream in the prison.

 the room spun until I was standing next to wilbur. I ran up and hugged him. Then his arms tightened.... i started to try to squirm and get out of his hold... he started digging his nails into my back.... he got his head close to my ear and said "MY unfinished symphony". 

dream over/ 

i woke up gasping for air. I looked around my dirt shack.... nothing moved. I was covered in sweat and my head felt like it was being punched. i got up and my red blanket with many patches fell to the floor.

 I need some fresh air..... I opened my doors and then shut them. I started walking down the prime path, making no noise. while i walked i was staring down at the ground. Then i saw a shadow appear behind me while walking.....

 I was panicking..... I kept walking acting like i didn't notice. then when I got close to the woods I booked it and ran through the trees, the branches scraping against me. i tripped over a rock and looked behind me. A figure of a man was slowly walking towards me.

 I struggled getting up and running. The mystery person caught up and tried to grab at my shoulder. I grabbed his hand and punched him in the gut then kicked his shin. i looked at the man but he wasn't familiar. he wore all black and had a black mask on. 

i felt something needle like go into my arm! then the world spun and i stumbled trying to escape. crawling away the man grabbed me and stood me up covering my mouth. then the world went black.


that little gremlin kicked me in the bloody shins! I forgot the fact that he has been in multiple wars and is a exceptional fighter. I was never one to fight.... 

I grabbed a needle and shot it into his arm. He yelped like a dog and started to fall. but the stubborn boy started to try and crawl away! He always was a fighter. I picked him up and put my hand over his mouth. 

he fought, kicked, hit, squirmed to get out of my grasp. but eventually he stopped moving. i picked up the boy bridal style and walked deeper into the forest. unaware of the ender particle behind a tree.

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