Attitude (small TW)

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TW for abuse (specifically spanking) x 


I got off the phone with my best mate and jogged down the stairs. Phoebe and Jess were in the kitchen and Phoebe was trying to get Jess to eat her breakfast but it didn't seem to be happening.

"Hey Pheebs," I said going in. I put my hand on her back and kissed her cheek.

"I kiss toooo dwaddy?!" Jess cheered, kicking her legs in her high chair. I smiled slightly at her and shrugged.

"Are you going to eat your breakfast for mummy?"

She huffed and crossed her arms before giving Phoebe and I death glares.

"You know what Jess, you either feed yourself or you're not having anything. I'm done." Phoebe put down the fork, pushed out her chair and went into the other room. Jess whined and quickly flared her hands across her tray causing her pancakes to go all over my kitchen floor.

"Are you cleaning that up?" I asked. She shook her head and smacked the tray. She really woke up on the wrong side of bed today and I could see it was going to be an awfully long day.

I left Jess in her hair chair for a timeout before I bothered to try and reason with her and instead went to Phoebe. She had her feet up and was scrolling through her phone. I kissed her head and sat behind her, she leaned on me and kissed my lips.

"You're not working today are you? I've got my hands full with that monkey," she groaned, nodding her head in the direction of the very grumpy girl in the kitchen.

"Well. My friend just called me. He was wondering if his little and him could come over for a couple of hours. I didn't really want to turn that down," I explained, nervous for her answer.

"Oh. That's fine. When are they coming?" She asked, curling into my chest.

"Half two," I kissed her head and held her.

"Okay. Hopefully she would have napped and be in a better mood. I really can't be bothered with this behaviour today. She won't tell me what's wrong at all."

After nap time, Jess seemed to be in an even fouler mood than before. Phoebe seemed to have completely given up trying to keep her in check and was honestly just avoiding her. I, however, was not. We were currently playing tea parties and she'd been her bossy little self.

"Tea, sir?" She giggled, holding up a fake teapot.

"Oh yes please," I smiled and gave her my cup.

"No daddy. You did it wrong, I'm called madam." She huffed, throwing the teapot down and huffing off upstairs. I groaned, put my head in my hands and heard Phoebe laugh behind me.

"She's actually impossible," she smiled. Just then the door bell rang.

"Friends!" Jess screeched, charging down the stairs as I went into the hallway.

"Ah. Walk down. Don't run," I said, holding out my finger. She only continued running and went to bite my finger. I moved it away, rolled my eyes as Jess swung open the door. She's met Lily before at a few parties and they'd got on really well so it didn't surprise me when she dragged Lily straight to the living room to play. I greeted Tarken and offered him a beer in the kitchen.


Seeing Jess acting this way annoyed me to no end. She's been a brat all day and I had zero tolerance left. I'd tried getting her to write lines, she's been in and out of timeout all day and she's still not listening. She's on an earlier bed time, no sweets for a week and she's grounded from going to Ellie's or anyone's for two weeks yet I'm still getting little miss god damn brat! I hated it!

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