Kagami vs. Yuoji

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Yuoji's POV
As I walk towards my locker, I hear a few whispers from people nearby. Did Saito do something to it again? I open my locker and I see....oh no....this can't be....I know what this is....this has never happened to me before. It's a pink and black card with a crown on it. Kagami Hiiragi, Louise, and Miu Isuguri are after me! Whenever someone gets this card, they will torture them until they leave the school. I heard a student committed suicide because of it. I was left speechless until I heard a student said to check the TV in the cafeteria. I walked in slowly and I see my face on it with the headline:

Yuoji Ouka kills her own parents in car accident! Read the story here!

It wasn't my fault! It was an accident! There was lots of traffic after my fourteenth birthday! I didn't do it! That purple-headed Kagami is going to die!

Gym class....
"Alright team! Today is a free day we'll be playing dogeball!"
Our school doesn't have dogeballs so we use volleyballs. The game started just when I thought that I was avoiding the balls fine. Someone smashes one into my head. Everyone started whipping it at me, they started yelling things like "...stupid girl!...", "...killer!...", "...we better kill her before she kills us first!....", "...prostitute!...., "...homewrecker!...","...stop sleeping with Rei!...". My heart started pounding, my vision suddenly blurred, my head started spinning, I started to sweat, I wanted to puke, everything was spinning, and I wanted to cry but I didn't make a sound. They started hitting me with other things like hockey sticks and weighted sticks. It felt like a hundred stabbing knives. Until I collapsed and heard a whistle blow.

I woke up at the infirmary. I felt my stomach flip and beside me was Saito.
"Why did you do it?"
"Do what?"
"Kill your parents."
"You believe them too!"
I tried to swing a punch but he blocked it. I felt my body ache and I let out a small scream.
"You're the one who took the first swing right! Get out!!! Get out!!! GET OUT!!!"
I felt another sharp stab through my body. The nurse pulled him away into the hall.

3 days later....
I was swimming laps at our school pool. I'm punishing myself with 20 laps for agreeing to be Rei's fake girlfriend. I'm so stupid! What did I get myself into? I was swimming right beside Kyou's lane in the deepest end of the pool. I felt something by what it felt like a rope tied very tightly and it was heavy. I turned around to look and saw a weight tied to a rope and Louise ready to let go of it. I tried to shake the rope off but Louise let go of the rope and it started to pull me lower. I tried to swim up but I can't because the weight was too heavy. I'm drowning and my breath is getting shorter. Someone help me!

Rei's POV
I heard students laughing at the swimming pool. I heard the crowd chant "Drown Yuoji!". Yuoji? Drown? WTF! I rush in and I see Kyou going in and out of the water. In between her breath she mumbles Yuoji's name. Wait, is she trying to save Yuoji? Without thinking, I remove my school uniform top and jump in. I take a breath and dive. I see Kyou diving after me.I see Yuoji still having little air left, I untie the rope around her ankle and Kyou pulls her up out of the water. She's still trying to catch her breath. Kyou leads her to the change rooms. I already know who gets kicked out of school. I shouldn't let them do this.
"She got a black and pink card right?!!!!!!!"
No one answered.
"Hey! I'm talking to ALL of you! ANSWER!!!!"
"Y-yeah..." Louise said in a quiet voice.
"Whoever gets hurts my girlfriend is going to have a public torture at the gym! So back the hell off Kagami! Got that!"
The crowd moved away in silence. Stupid maid who doesn't know how to fight back. That maid is going to get it when she goes on her shift after school.

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