lonely window panes

13 2 4

hey mister,
i can see your fairy lights
haphazardly hanging in
your window.

can you see
the dying plants on
my kitchen windowsill?

want to trade?
your twinkle lights
for these deceased herbs.

i can see how
that is an unfair deal.


hey mister,
i see we are twinning

a forest on your 'sill.

did you notice the
revived basil nestled
among the rotting rosemary
and thyme?

did it inspire
your own greenhouse?

maybe you have
greener fingers
than mine.


hey mister,
do you ever go to sleep?
its 4am, your light is
brighter than the

of course i only noticed
from my own lack of rest,

wandering in my slippers
watching your
window like
a TV.

is your life
a sitcom or
a drama?


hey mister,
didn't see you there!

too absorbed
in dancing around the oven,

thank your ears
you can't hear me
belting wrong lyrics

to my audience of

is that a smile
tugging at the corners
of your mouth?

you must be staring out
at the cityscape.

the view from up there
must be astonishing

compared to the
and cobblestones

i am treated to.


hey mister,

i can barely see past
the wall of boxes.

it seems you've made a fort!

are you a king
atop a throne
or a heroic knight

come to save all?

can i join your
kingdom of fun?



where did your
fairy lights go?

i haven't been home
for a week

and looking up
from here
your windows
are bare.

no box kingdoms,

nor forests.

and definitely
no magical, terribly hung

fairy lights.


hey, wherever you are,

it's been months
but i still stay up
staring at your window

waiting for a sign
that you're nearby.

sometimes i'll make us
tea, though i'm not sure
how you take it.

i don't mind
sitting here until 1am...



until i fall asleep.

because maybe a light
will flicker on
and i'll see
your daydream face
through the pane.

so until then,
i'll wish you good-night
and good-day

my windowsill friend.

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