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i don't believe
in heaven
or hell,

places where our
souls exist
without worldly decay.

i've been told
that heaven has all we need...

i find that impossible
to believe.

heaven does not have
crisp autumn air

or grass that tickles
your feet when summer
draws near.

heaven does not have
my sister's gingerbread cookies

or my mother's bobotie;
recipes passed down
through the years.

heaven does not have
the books that fill my shelves

and stories that
caress my heart.

i've been told
that hell has torture and pain
that no person could fathom...

what is more torturous
than heartbreak when
a loved one passes?

what is more painful
than having everything you've
known ripped away

all because of greed
and war?

heaven and hell
cannot match
the devastating beauty
that life on earth has.

no, i do not believe
in heaven
or hell.

i believe in right here,
right now

and in us, as well.

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