|| The Truth ||

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I remember arriving home pretty late that night, considering I had spent the rest of my time out there sobbing. My eyes were stinging as if I had just bathed in chlorine. And then, as if my night couldn't get any worse, the light flicked on and there was Beverly, standing in front of me. My heart felt as if it had just completely stopped in that very moment. "Bev..." I say, backing myself up against the door, a bit startled. "You're- You're up late-"

"I was just about to say the same thing about you." She folds her arms across her chest and flares at me. "Oh-Uh-Wh-What a coincidence..." I smiled. She then squints at me, examining me further. All of the sudden, her facial expression dropped, as well as her arms. "Eddie..." she moves closer to me, "Have you been crying?" She asks, and before she can examine me any further, I move past her and began chuckling nervously, "Wh-What? Me, crying? No!" I lied. "I-I just-I just got something in my eye on the way home...yeah."

Damn, I thought, Stacy's right, I am a bad liar. I could hear it in my own voice. "Eddie, what on earth has gotten into you?" She questioned, her voice no longer filled with anger, but rather, concern. I frowned at this. "N-Nothing, Bev. I swear. I'm okay, honest."

Okay seriously, who am I trying to fool, Beverly or myself?
"Stop lying to me!" She snapped. I was shocked by this. Oh shit, she is suspicious.

"I-I'm not lying to you B-"

"You wanna know how I know?" She asked, walking into her bedroom. I wait for what felt like years in anticipation as I feared what was about to happen. What is she gonna do? How does she know I'm lying?

A few moments later, Beverly stormed out her bedroom and with Greta, to my surprise, following behind her, "Bev! Beverly, babe! Come on, don't-"
Before Greta could even finish her sentence, Beverly walked up to me, shoving something in my hands, "That's how!" She exclaimed. It took me a second to realize what she had shoved in my hands, until, finally, the realization hit me like a brick. I could feel all of the color drain from my face as I realized that what she had shoved in my hands, were a bouquet of flowers. But not just any flowers, they were roses...

White Roses.

Stockholm Syndrome || Book Two || DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now