|| The Time Being ||

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1:45 pm

It was a little after noon, and we were all exhausted. Between Beverly's incident and the fact that Dave could still be plotting something, I didn't want to sleep. I didn't want to turn my back.
Every so often, I'd have to glance back to make sure I wasn't being followed. Richie picked up on this, and naturally, he questioned me. To that, I gave him some stupid excuse like, "Just being cautious, is all." I could tell he didn't really like that answer, but he didn't question me any further, knowing I probably wouldn't give him any other answers.

I'm such a hypocrite. I always expect him to give me answers, when I don't tell him hardly anything at all. Is that wrong? It is for his own good, honest. I don't do it intentionally. I just don't know how or when to tell him about Dave and everything I know about the situation. I don't even know what I know about the situation anymore.

We eventually made it back to Richie's place, which calmed my nerves a bit, but it didn't make me any less cautious about going inside and into the elevator, but once Richie shut the door to his apartment, locking it behind us, I allowed myself to slouch onto the couch, my arm over my face as I sighed. Richie chuckled, "Long day, sweetie?" He asked in a joking manner, but I didn't find it anywhere near funny, so I took my arm off my face and glared up at him.

He frowned, "Oh, you know I'm just joking, Eddie, baby." He stood above me. I sighed inward and nodded, "Yeah, but you're not wrong. It has been a pretty long day. And it's only noon." He smirked at this.

He pressed his lips together and leant down, grabbing ahold of both my wrists. My eyes widened as he yanked me up, his grip tight around my wrists. Taking one hand off, he rest that one on my hip, but his grip was just as tight with one hand as it was with two.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked innocently staring up at him. His lips curved into a smirk.

"Oh, well...I was just thinking-"

"Uh oh." I interrupted him. He glared at me and I couldn't hold back the chuckle.

"You didn't let me finish, baby doll." He pouted.

I sighed, "Okay, okay. Please continue." He let's go of my wrists, and my hips. Instead, he boxes me in on the couch, causing my to flop right back down in the spot I was laying in before. He gets down to my level and smirks devilishly at me.

"I was thinking, maybe you and I could finish what we started last night." He suggested, to which I smiled and turned my head to the side.

"Hmm, I don't know if I feel like it." I said nonchalantly, trying not to laugh in the process.

He frowned, placing his hand on my cheek, "Now, you see, it wasn't really a question, baby." He growled, lifting me up by my thighs and taking me by surprise in the process. I let out a giggle, as he pressed a soft kiss on to my lips.

He was about to pull away, but I didn't let him as I growled back at him and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him back in for another kiss. It was passionate this time, though.

I thought he was carrying me to his room, but he sat me down on the island table in his kitchen and dove back in for round two. I didn't mind. I just wanted him right then, and I didn't care where we were.

I leaned back as he got closer, placing my hands on his shirt and kissing him all the way through. I felt him bite my lip, and that's when I knew he was serious.

Lip biting whilst your making out is key to telling someone that you want more; with Richie, on the other hand, that's his way of telling you he wants more than more.

What he wanted was beyond me at this point, but I knew that he wanted to have sex right here, right now.

And I wasn't opposed to the idea whatsoever.

We skipped the foreplay and went right to it, pausing out kiss for a moment or two just to unzip his pants and for me to take off mine completely. At the same time we tore off our shirts, tossing them to the side and diving right back in after that.

His hands were all over my body as if he already hadn't explored it multiple times before. I wasn't any better, as my fingers were all up in his hair, intertwining each piece of hair with my fingers at least once.

I knew how unsanitary this was; having sex on a counter, but I also wanted it so bad at the same time. As if all my morals had left me.

Actually, I think they did that a long time ago. The day I met Richie, actually.

I giggled softly, pulling back and smiling at him.

"What?" He asked, a giddy smile on his face as he spoke.

I shook my head, "Nothing." I said, "I just...I love you so much." I added.

His smile got a bit wider, "Well, I love you more." He replied, as he both dove back in once again.

That's not what I was going to say. I was actually gonna ask him something, but I was so caught up in our moment that I didn't want to ruin it by asking it.

So I kept it to myself...

for the time being, anyway.

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