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My life is a disaster and I have to pretend it's not. Something big is coming and know it's gonna be catastrophic once it does. Worst of all I'm somehow involved and I still have no clue how. All I can think about is what they'll do to me. Recently, I had started to think that I had control over my life but right now I'm not sure if that's the case. ********************* The next morning I receive a letter from Malfoy. At first, I think it's no big deal, however, once I discover it's content I soon change my mind. (Y/N), The (L/N) baby was born last night. They haven't decided on a name yet. Sorry for telling you but you did ask me to keep you updated. Even though I'm upset about the news I can't let it show. Looking over at the Slytherin table Malfoy's smirking at me. I know he's only doing it to keep up appearances but I have a reputation to uphold so I go over there as soon as breakfast is over. "What were you smirking at Malfoy!" I yell "I'm guessing you've found out by now, blood traitor" he retaliates "Why should I care!" I bluff After our 'confrontation' I storm off with my friends. Obviously, they could all hear the conversation. "what was Malfoy talking about?" Susan asks compassionately. It's clear that even if I avoid the topic it will come up at some point. Because of the (L/N)s' fortunate and status, they will definitely pay for an article in The Daily Prophet. Telling my friends that the child is born causes me to break down and burst into tears. In all honesty, I'm not sure if I can handle any of this. Luckily my friends support me as we go to our first lesson. ********************* Potions. It's my final lesson of the day. As always, I sit with Draco. For some reason, the atmosphere feels rather awkward and tense. When we start brewing our potions I discover why. When I hear Draco whisper: "Sorry about how I acted earlier. I was trying to follow our regular procedure when we're in public but I went too far" Clearly, he has been worrying about this all day. Quickly I tell him that I know he was and I was just doing the same thing. As well as brewing our potion perfectly, Draco and I also formulate an obvious but ingenious plan in order to spend more time together without raising suspicion and decide to carry it out as soon as class is finished. ******************** Once we're dismissed Malfoy and I very publicly start 'argument' in the corridors. Obviously, we both have back up at first, but as usual, we tell them we want to finish this alone. Once they leave we turn the 'argument' into a 'fight' (purely physical not a duel) as expected we get detention. No one can stop us from being together then. ********************* Draco and I have our detention tonight. We're cleaning the floors in the great hall. Normally Draco would complain about this being a job for houselves but tonight he's just getting on with it. Both of us working hard to get the job done. About halfway through our time in detention, Peeves knocks something over outside and Filch goes out to deal with him. "I never thought I'd say this but thank Merlin for Peeves" I joke. Laughing Draco agrees. Time passes quickly as the two of us chat. Because of how long Filch is taking we end up trying to splash each other with the water we've been given to clean with. As usual, we then end up playing would you rather. "Would you rather spend a night in the Forbidden Forest or the Shrieking Shack?" Malfoy asks. "Shrieking Shack" I respond without hesitation "Would you rather kiss Harry or Hermione?" Obviously, I ask this to annoy him but his response is shocking. Looking me right in the eyes he says: "Neither, I'd much rather kiss someone else" Does he mean? No, he couldn't possibly. Both of us sense the tension and quickly move on. I really want to ask me if he meant me but I don't have the guts. He'll have been talking about Pansy Parkinson. By the time Filch gets back detention is over and the two us leave. Draco insists on walking me to the entrance of my common room, the gentleman. Once I arrive I wait for Draco to leave and then knock on the barrel and enter. "How was detention with Malfoy?" Hannah asks. "The worst" I lie. Even though I had a great night that'll have to be my secret. It really was a lovely night though and I wish we could do it again. Obviously, we can't, after a while, people would notice and start to suspect something was going on. Not to mention how many house points we'd lose if we did. I just wish I could tell someone about the brief moment we shared. As far as I know, I like Malfoy as a friend and nothing more but I still felt something. What does that mean? ******************** Over breakfast, I receive a note as usual however this one is very strange most of it is written, in green ink however in faint pencil I see the following phase: Place wand here The green ink reads: Meet me in outside my common room tonight. I know more about the plan I was telling you about. -DM However, when I follow the instructions and place my wand on the page more words are revealed: It's a trap! They'll be waiting for you there! It's a step in their plan! Immediately after reading this I feel incredibly sick and dizzy. My chest tightens and everything goes fuzzy. Next thing I know I'm in the hospital wing again. I swear I must have some sort of record. ********************* After I've regained consciousness, Madam Pomfrey gives me the all clear and I go to class debating what to do. ********************* After a long day, I climb into bed it feels like forever since I've been in my dormitory during curfew. I've been sneaking out so much recently. Obviously, I'm not doing that tonight. Turning over I fall into a deep sleep. ******************** 3 am. Starkly, I am awoken by someone entering the common room. My friends and I look at each other in horror. Could it be Sirius Black? No, even worse, Lucius Malfoy. Giving my friends a threatening look he growls "You'll be next if you tell anyone." Before any of us can process what's going on he's grabbed me an forces me to touch the quill that Malfoy Jr had borrowed, next thing I know I'm in the dungeons of Malfoy Manor facing Narcissa Malfoy and (M/N) and (F/N) (L/N). Lucius carelessly drops me as if I'm a bag of dragon dung. Pain surges through me as I hit the floor, I can't get up, I'm stuck on my back. All of them are looking down at me. The (L/N)s are laughing. Lucius looks satisfied as if I'm in my rightful place. Narcissa's smile is smaller than the other three's. She leaves the room at the first opportunity. My relationship with Narcissa was always better than my relationship with Lucius or the (L/N)s. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't call it good. But it was less bad than the other three. The other three step forward still looking incredibly pleased. Lucius speaks: "I rather offended" he jokes bitterly "you really thought my son was a blood traitor like you?" Suddenly it all makes sense. He got close to me, gained my trust and then betrayed me. He insisted on walking me to the common room. How was I so stupid? I told him personal stuff. Stuff I never told anyone else and he probably passed it on to them. That's why he was so insistent about putting my quill back into my bag himself. There's no way on earth I'm ever trusting him again. To make things worse I suddenly realise that I left my wand back at Hogwarts. Still not knowing what they're going to do next I lie helplessly there's nothing that I can do. I got myself into this mess. Never trust a Malfoy.

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