Special: Love interests reactions [2/2]

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Alright! Here we are continuing with the special! This time, featuring the other love interests! That's right!

Now, coming up first is Neji!


Me:  So Neji, I hear you and (Y/N) are getting pretty close. *wiggles eyebrows* How would you like to be her final love interest?

With a blush dusted on his pale cheeks, he cleared his throat, trying to get rid of the embarrassment before he spoke in a polite tone, "I would appreciate if the readers would vote for me. I care deeply about (Y/N) and I'm positive I'm the only one that can truly make her happy."

Me:    *smirks*  Ah, who knew Neji was so confident? *turns to camera* You've heard Neji, everybody! Who's next on our list? *looks over list* next up is.... *smirks* Ooo this will be fun!


With a frown on his lips, the teenager crossed his arms over his chest before he complained, "Man, why am I here? And who the hell are you?"

Me:  *eyebrow twitches* Thanks so much for joining us Kankuro, you're here for the readers to vote on who becomes (Y/N)'s final love interest!

The fifteen-year-old let out a sound of confusion before he cursed, "What the hell? I'm here for a bunch of people to pick me for some girl? And who the hell is (Y/N)?! And who the f—"

Me:   *sighs during his rant and reaches out into pocket*

Kankuro continued complaining until a picture was shoved into his face. He immediately grew quiet as he held onto the picture, which was of the beautiful girl he had met once during his mission.

Me:  *smirks and crosses her arms as she leans back into her chair* That's (Y/N)

Kankuro stared at the picture with a blush on his cheeks for a few seconds before he looked up at the author and asked in a polite tone, "So what do I have to do exactly miss ?"

Me:   *nods head* I like you, but unfortunately, the results are not up to me *gestures to the camera* they're up to our dear readers so ask them!

The fifteen-year-old boy turned to the camera and politely bowed his head, "Please vote for me!"

Me:   *giggles* I sure would! Now *turns to camera* Next is our dear Iruka!


"Y'all are sick! Sick! She's a kid! I'm an adult! Do you think I'm a pedophile?! Not to mention I was her teacher! And also Asuma would kill me and then bring me back to life so he could kill me again if he ever found out what—"

Iruka let out screams as the security guards tied him to a chair and placed tape over his mouth. When they finally finished, they backed off yet Iruka thrashed around, trying to break free.

Me:  *sighs as I rub my head* For the last time Iruka, you guys won't do anything until she's legal!

Those words didn't seem to be enough to convince Iruka as he let out a muffled shout.

Me:  *sighs* You know, all this fighting will make me reconsider having you as a love interest *pauses, fully knowing I'm getting Iruka's hopes up* but in the end, it's all about the readers

Iruka let out a groan before he turned to the camera and shook his head, trying to signal something towards the readers.

Me:  *giggle* so next up is... *smirks* our lovely Kakashi Hatake! Hopefully, he won't be as difficult as you!


Me:  And here we have our last interview with the final love interest, Kakashi Hatake!

With a disgusted look on his face, Kakashi cursed, "Oh heck no!"

Me:  *rolling my eyes and covering the mic* come on Kakashi, even if you win, nothing will happen yet! We'll wait until (Y/N) is of legal age then you guys can get married!

Not listening to a word the author said, Kakashi stood up from his seat, pulled out his book from his back pocket, and cursed, "I'm out of here." The silver-haired male walked away, his eyes glued to the Icha Icha Paradise book in his hands.

Me:  *sighs and turns to the security guards* Get him.


Alright, we just finished interviewing the love interests yet there is a small dilemma which is the reason we can't go on with announcing the final love interest. Iruka and Kakashi are trying to run away so let's cut to this short break with Asuma, (Y/N)'s dad.

Me:     So Asuma, how do you feel about (Y/N) having a final love interest by the end of this special?

The older male's eyes darkened at that sentence. "What?" He gritted out, clenching his jaw.

Me:     *panic look* Oh right, I forgot I lied to you about your daughter's whereabouts! Um, I gotta go! Bye!

"Get back here!"


Me: *cleared my throat* I know you're all excited about who—

"Just say who won!"

Me:   *glaring at Kiba*  Fine, but just so you know, if I could choose, it wouldn't be you

"Like I care what you think!"

Me:   *scoffs as I open the letter* And the winner to who has officially become (Y/N)'s final love interest is...

Almost all the boys were either praying or sweating bullets. Even the Sasuke x (Y/N) fan club was practically chewing on their nails at the tension.

Kakashi and Iruka didn't bother to face the author. They kept their hands down and prayed for the best.

Me:  And the final love interest is.... *look of surprise* Oh, damnnn

Kakashi slapped his forehead before he muttered, "Oh god it's me!"

Me:   It's—

Immediately, out of nowhere, Asuma bursts into the room and snatched the author as well as the letter before running out of the room.

"My (Y/N) will never have romance!" He yelled before running away.

The boys began yelling curses and Kiba even yelled, "You old man, keep the girl! Just give us back that letter!" while the other boys let out yells of agreement.

Me: *thrown over Asuma's shoulder while he runs away* Jeez, thanks for the love guys

"Not on our watch," the Sasuke x (Y/N) fan club began to chase after the older male. "You get back here and give us that letter!"


I hope you guys enjoyed this special! It is not canon to the plot of the book and is all just for fun! I would like to say that there will be multiple endings for this book, one for each love interest! And I would also like to say that I have made up my mind that some of the Akatsuki would be joining the love interests but that would be in Shippuden! 

Some of the new love interests that will be introduced are Itachi, Hidan and Sasori! I'm still thinking over who else to add but if you have suggestions, comment here!

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