{13} Sasuke and Sakura: Friends or Foe? ✔️

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(Y/N) woke up on a bad start. Kurenai had an early mission meaning she could not help (Y/N) braid her hair. Asuma tried to braid her long, (h/c) hair yet he failed. Although his braid was terrible, it didn't make her hair completely touch the ground.

(Y/N) let out a sigh as she took her seat next to Hinata. The class wasn't particularly full yet most of her friends hadn't arrived. Luckily, they weren't there to witness the sight in front of (Y/N).

"Good morning (Y/N)!"

"Hi (Y/N)!"

"Hello (Y/N)!"

"I hope I have you on my team (Y/N)!"

"No, she'll be on my team."

Ever since she had taken her seat, she had been greeted left and right by the boys of her class. (Y/N) would only offer them a small smile as she waved at them.

(Y/N) let out a sigh as she glanced at Naruto's empty seat. She knew he had passed the genin exams as Konohamaru and her uncle Sarutobi had told her yesterday when she visited the Hokage's house for dinner.

It was safe to say after the incident a couple of months ago, Konohamaru had gotten close with the (h/c) haired girl, to the point where he called her 'Big Sister (Y/N)'.

The first time he called her that was a week after the incident. He looked embarrassed and quickly said the words before running away.

And as for Naruto, she was happy for him. She hadn't seen him since she had comforted him for failing yet she could not wait to congratulate him.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" she heard a familiar voice from behind her. She turned around to find Kiba staring at her, confusion written on his face. Akamaru was on top of his head as he was slightly covered by Kiba's hoodie.

A small smile was plastered on (Y/N)'s face as she answered, "I'm fine." Kiba tilted his head to the side as he stared at her hair. An idea popped into his head which made him smirk internally.

He took a few steps closer to (Y/N) and asked, "Would you like me to braid your hair, (Y/N)?" as he played with the strands of her hair.

"You know how?" asked (Y/N), slightly surprised. Kiba let out a sound of agreement as a blush spread across his cheeks. He reached out and rubbed his neck before he explained, "My sister used to make me braid her hair when I was younger."

(Y/N) smiled and then nodded, giving him permission to braid her hair.  "We should do it outside, I know the perfect spot. Come," Kiba stretched his hand towards (Y/N). She took it and intertwined his hands causing Kiba to blush.

Kiba led her towards the back of the academy. He stopped when he reached a specific tree that grew cherries. "Sit on the ground, and I'll stand behind you." (Y/N) nodded and followed Kiba's instructions. Kiba went behind (Y/N) and began to play with the strands of her hair.

A bark from Akamaru gave him an idea. "Would you mind taking Akamaru while I braid your hair?" Kiba asked the (h/c) haired girl.

(Y/N) shook her head, as if saying 'no'. Kiba smiled, revealing his fangs. He gently grabbed Akamaru and set him on the grass. Akamaru let out a bark before he jumped onto (Y/N)'s lap, nuzzling against her chest. (Y/N) let out a giggle as she began petting the small white-furred dog.

As (Y/N) petted Akamaru, Kiba unclipped all her hair ties, causing her hair to fall to the floor. He began to brush his fingers through her (h/c) hair, hoping to straighten it out.

After a few minutes of straightening it out, he began braiding (Y/N)'s hair. There were a few times (Y/N) would wince, and Kiba would apologize immediately. It would end with (Y/N) saying it wasn't his fault and Kiba telling her he would try not to hurt her.

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