Chapter 4: Saviour

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"So, what's new with you?"  Destroyer asked sarcastically.  "Probably, oh, I don't know, being a dick.  As.  Fucking.  Usual."  He added slowly.

"Shut your trap."  The guard warned loudly.  "I can't kill you, but I can make your life, living hell."  He continued.

"Just calm down, Destroyer.  Everyone just calm the fuck down."  The Prophet attempted to mend the situation without having anyone get tortured.

"Fine."  The Destroyer reluctantly agreed with one last from towards Juan.  The guard left and inside their cell, the friends gathered, still preparing for when the three teenagers would take on the whole of F.E.A.R. and probably fail.  If they don't fail, at leasy we'll have a plan.  The Prophet thought darkly, but realistically.

"Hey, Andy?"  The Mystic asked softly.

"Hmm?  What do you want, we using names again?"  Andy asked.

"That was the question.  Are we gonna use our names or our Wild One names.  Were you not paying attention?"  Jinxx pondered acusingly.

"Sorry, just thinking about the dream."  He lied while still somewhat lost in his thoughts.  "I think - I think we should go with our Wild One names here, when - if - we get out, then we go back to our regular, or at least not so imposing, names."

"I like it, Deviant, what do you think?"  Mourner asked the currently silent man.

"Yeah, sure.  It's not a bad idea."  Deviant undecidely added.  

"Umm are we gonna be called Jeremy and Christian or still CC and Jinxx?"  Destroyer asked, suddenly ashamed of his name.

"Can we just be Jinxx and CC?  I like Jinxx more than Jeremy in case you hadn't noticed."  Mystic piped up worriedly.  He had adopted a stage name for a reason he thought.

"No problem." The Mourner chuckled slightly, "We weren't gonna call you that anyway but,"  another chuckle, "thanks for sharing."

"Stop, okay Mourner?  He doesn't deserve that."  The Deviant admonished.

"You- you know."  Mourner stopped and shut his mouth, knowing he was wrong but not ready to give in.  Then he did something he rarely did anyway, surprise himself, "No.  I'm sorry.  I admit it."

"Woah, did you hear that ladies and gents?  The Mourner of the Wild Ones just apologized, something he rarely does!"  Destroyer did in his best announcer vioce.

"Was that F.E.A.R. or announcer?"  Prophet asked light-heartedly.

"Umm, I think it was kinda, a little bit of both."  All five chuckled.  Destroyer looked around the group and saw the worry in their faces.  They were scared.  What if we all die, and the world isn't saved? Was what each of them were thinking as they looked at the others.


several hours later that same day

"Do you guys hear that?"  The Mystic asked the group, he had slightly better hearing and moments later the rest of them heard it too.

"It uh, almost sounds like motorcycles, right?"  The Deviant asked.

"Yeah, I used to have one.  Sounded pretty close to that."  The Mourner replied anxiously.

"You don't think they're gonna kill us?  Death by motorcycle, not how I imagined I'd go but it's kinda cool. Still not a blaze of glory, though."  The Destroyer half-joked.

"I'm not even sure those bastards have motorcycles.  JUAN!"  The Prophet screamed towards the guard.

"What the fuck do you want?  This is my goddamn lunch hour, shut it."

"Do you asses happen to have motorcycles, like for transport?"  The Deviant questioned.

"No, we take your rebel shit and burn it.  The bodies of other rebels get burned inside the fire at their home town.  Happy?"  Juan said as he shoved a wrap of some sort into his mouth and started to chew.  He wore a smirk that told them he wasn't lieing about what they did either.

"No, we're not fucking happy.  But you little pieces of shit would do that, wouldn't you?  You never think of anyone exceprt your fuckin' selves!"  The Deviant shouted as he sprang onto his feet.  His blood boiled with rage and his face was bright red.

"Shut the fuck up!"  Juan threatened as he continued to eat his wrap.  His other hand moved towards his gun.

"Just deal with it alri-"  The Mourner started.

"Put your fuckin' hands up, ya fat Mexican!"  A female voice yelled at Juan.  The Wild Ones wore a confused expression, Juan was a lot of things, but fat was not one.

"Finally you guys showed up!"  The Prophet nearly shouted at the company.

"How'd you know we were coming?"  A taller petite girl asked.  The Prophet pointed to the back of his jacket which read 'The Prophet'.  "Oh, right."  The girl reddened and then hid behind the quiet yet strong looking male.

"I'm Cindy."  The loud and short brunette stated with a jab of her thumb toward herself to emphasize her point.

"Oh, right, I'm Laura."  The sheepish girl with reddish brown hair stated rather quietly while she looked at her feet.

"My name's Jack."  The blonde male stated gruffly.  He cleared his throat and said it again with a slightly higher pitched, less gruff voice.

"Names?"  The Prophet asked his group softly.

"Yeah."  They said while Ashely nodded.

"Andy.  Or The Prophet."  Andy said matter-of-factly.

"CC, or The Destroyer!"  CC exclaimed.

"Hey, we umm we should get outta here, shouldn't we?"  Laura thought aloud.

"Oh, yeah, introductions later."  Jack added and motioned for us to follow them out.  "We only knocked out the guys downstairs so we're gonna repel down."

"Cool."  Cindy added with a grin on her face.

"You ever done this before, guys?"  Laura pondered louder than the Wild Ones had ever heard her before.

"Nah, but we got it."  CC said cockily.

"Okay then.  Good fuckin' luck with that."  Cindy muttered while she took out some length of rope.

"Thanks for the rescue."  Andy told Laura who blushed, and muttered something that resembled 'no problem'.  Suddenly they heard a few voices from the elevator shaft.  The voices were shouting things like, "Secure them" or "What the fuck happened" or "Shit!  Grab 'em"

"Fellas, I think it's time we learned how to repel!"  Andy yelped as he grabbed a rope and started down the side of the building.   Andy started screaming out random swear words as he wiggled down the flat, black, siding.

A/N:  Woo!  This chapter took me a while, normally I sit down and just write one out, change a few things then A/N and save it for the time I need it but this one took me about 4 hours so thats why I haven't done any school work yet.   Anyways they got saved guys!  YAY!  Now the question is who will date who?  Will anyone date at all?  Will there be a sex scene?  Probably no sex scene but we'll see.  How do you like not knowing what exactly the new characters look like, tell me please?  Have a nice day, and I'll seeya next time :)  Shout out to my friend Jenna who tried to write gay smut.  


PS:  I know I'm a few hours late but I was working on future chapters but its still up!  I try to post a chapter every week, maybe more sometimes when I write a lot.  (Tune in next Thursday)

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