Chapter 5: Faithless

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"Shit, goddamn! Fire, fire! What the hell motherfucker!" Andy yelled as he repelled down the side of the prison without proper equipment.

"Leap of faith*!! You stupid - ahhh!" CC started screaming as he too went down without equipment. "That does - shit - feel kinda - fuck - like fire!" CC commented once he started getting closer to the bottom of the building.

Thud. CC crashed into Andy just as he was starting to dust himself off.

"Oof. Ow." Andy whined as he rolled CC off of him and looked up to see Jinxx wearing a crazy expression as he slid down the prison's grey wall.

"Yee-haw!" Jinxx screamed when he started on his descent. "Uh, oh." His gloves were starting to smoke so he used his feet to help him slow down to a more manageable and safe speed. As he reached the ground he jumped and then rolled for a good second before popping to his feet and exclaiming, "Woo! How come you guys swore the whole way down? Afraid of heights?" He gave a chuckle before leaping out of the way as Ashley and Jake sped down using the most refined technique, harnesses. Cindy, Laura and Jack were on their way behind the two final Wild Ones.

"Get on, and lets go!" Laura shouted as she hopped onto her bike and started the engine.

The guards were about to start repelling when Jack said, "You don't have to tell us twice. Cindy, you ready?" She nodded and started her engine when Jake and Jinxx hopped into Jack's seat and sidecar, respectively. Ashley and CC jumped onto Cindy's bike and Andy jogged over to Laura's and tapped her shoulder to signal he was ready to go.

They took off with about thirty or fourty guards after them on Jeep's. Ashley pulled a rifle out from one of the saddlebags and handed it to CC as he pulled out a sniper. "Lets shoot 'em down, Ash!" CC hollared and Cindy laughed and sped up a touch.

Andy saw what was happening on Cindy's bike and yelled to Laura, "Do you have any guns?"

She nodded and screamed, "I only have a pistol and its in my bag, the first compartment."

"Oh." Andy carefully removed the pistol without shooting Laura or anyone else and began to take aim at the nearest driver, other than Laura, Cindy and Jack.

Jake and Jinxx had one rifle and were fighting over who could shoot it when Jack, in front of them just yelled, "Oh just shoot 'em already! Stop squabbling." Jinxx took the rifle and started to shoot a few of the drivers or the vehicle's tires in an effort to stop them advancing.

The three motorcycles continued to get farther and farther apart from the F.E.A.R. guards until no Jeep's were behind them that could be seen. They stopped for a minute at an old gas station to get some water and Jack started to fix his hair and was clearly having difficulty with it.

"Haha, now you know why I cut mine." Andy laughed heartily with a genuine smile on his face. Jack did not laugh or chuckle or smile, he grimaced. "What?" Andy asked, concerned.

"Nothing." Was the response Jack gave before he screamed, "You're just gonna swoop in here and be prince fucking charming and then Laura will overlook me and run into your fucking arms!"

"I'm not trying to, it's not my fault!" Andy defended but when Jack just glared at him he simply told him, "Fine, whatever." He could not really afford to spend time censoring everything, being The Prophet and all, so he just didn't give a fuck until he could afford to. He walked into the store and found a few ciggarettes and a box of matches on one of the end caps. He struck a match and lit a ciggarrette.

"You're gonna kill yourself, with those." Laura said with no response. "Andy! You're gonna kill yourself with those." Laura exclaimed when she noticed Andy smoking.

"What? Oh, these. People keep telling me that but I just tell 'em, "its the fuckin' apocalypse, I could die everyday a thousand times" and then they go bother someone else." Andy finished with a shrug as he remembered the group of traitors who handed them over after he told them that. It must've been the last straw for those bastards. He thought.

"Okay, wanna go eat some cheetos? I found them behind the front counter." Laura asked him with a hopeful look in her eyes.

Andy remembered how upset Jack was and decided, even though Jack was being an ass, he should try to be friendly with him and figured this was the best way so he dodged it by telling her, "Nah I don't usually eat right after I smoke, bad taste ya know?"

"Gotcha." Laura said in a defeated tone before she walked outside to greet Jack who was still trying to tame the lion's mane of hair he had.

"We found 'em." Laura told Jack in an effort to cheer herself up.

"Yeah, I wasn't sure we were." Jack added quietly.

"Cindy sure was though, I mean it was like this was some sort of religion to her. Did'ya notice that?" Laura asked in a normal volume with a loud exclamation at the end when she had gotten interested in the conversation.

" 'Have trust in the map, bitches!' she'd tell us as we rode." He chuckled with fake excitement.

"Or, 'Why are you idiots so untusting, I know what I'm doing!' or even, 'Seriously, have some hope'." Laura remembered that Cindy kept driving them forward until they had found the prison and remembered how many times she had gotten pissed before the prison came into view and she knew that she should shut her mouth.

*Assassain's Creed did not exist during this whole thing but I wanted a cool reference in there

A/N: Hey guys, what do you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this chapter. Basically lots of crap happens in life and I decided to make Jack a bad guy in this chapter. Jack is being jealous of Andy's amazing hotness (I'm allowed to say that even though I'm a lesbian right?). Anyway for those of you who are wondering, Jack's jealousy is as much like jealousy that I think we go through in our lives as is really plausible in this universe.


PS: I don't have anything to put here sooooo... Still here, huh? Well, this is awkward. Peace!

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