Chapter 8: Done For You

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"Are you guys ready? Let's just get Ashley into some sort of hospice care." Jinxx asked the other members of the group, all nodded or muttered yes.

"Excellent. We've managed to run a pretty efficient little nation of rebel colonies but it hasn't been enough to overthrow F.E.A.R." The scientist said before adding, "I'm Meg by the way." She had purple hair and wore it in a ponytail. She looked to be about seventeen, so she must have been extremely smart.

"Steve." The man on the right waved to them slightly. He had dusty blonde hair and a goatee of a slightly darker color. He was roughly thirty looking and had a thoughtful expression written all over him.

"I'm Zachary. No, you can't call me Zach." Zachary gave CC a glare. Zachary had black hair parted on the left side and had a mustache. He seemed to be amused.

"Okay. I'm assuming you know who we are." Andy said.

"Yes, Prophet. The unconscious one who has been shot is Deviant. The one caring for him is Mystic. The one who will call me Zach, is the Destroyer and him," Zachary pointed casually to Jake, "he's the Mourner."

"Zany!" CC cried. He nearly said Zach but Andy shot him a glare that definitely said now was not the time.

"Who are these," Zachary gestured to Laura, Jack and Cindy, "people?" He asked.

"Laura," Laura waved perkily, "Jack."

"That's me." Jack said pointing to himself.

"I'm Cindy. The one who found these guys." Cindy pointed to the Wild Ones.

"Really? How'd you find them? Did you triangulate their location based off of the concentration of F.E.A.R. agents? Or send out robotic tracking devices underground to find them?" Meg asked while writing things done on a clipboard that must have been previously hidden in her lab coat.

"Can we please get this man," he pointed to Ashley, "into a hospital or clinic or something?! He's been fucking shot! And he is a Wild One." Jinxx screamed at the rebels and his own group. Jinxx had been keepijg pressure on the wound, but it was still bleeding.

"I'll take care of him." Steve said and he bent over Ashley to carry him into the elevator and into the clinic.

"It's tour time!" Zachary sang as he turned to the elevator once Steve was gone.

"Okay, where do the bikes go?" Cindy asked.

"They can stay here for now, we'll move them below ground later." Meg said to her.

"Works with me, pal. Just I swear let God help me if there is a scratch next time I see her, you get that?" Cindy warned darkly.

"Yeah, don't worry about it." Meg appeared in phased by the threat, despite Cindy being 15 cm taller (half a foot) and being built heavier and more muscular.

"Good." Cindy realized the group was near the elevator and jogged to catch up.

"-and that's where The Deviant will be cared for while you all get some rest." Zachary explained about the clinic.

"May we use a room for a counsel meeting?" Andy asked Zachary with a very serious expression.

"Of course, I imagine you would want your friends with you?" Zachary asked before adding, "What are we going to change their names to? For security purposes, like you have."

"Their actual names are fine." Andy said, continuing to show his professional ability and leadership. "And they won't be joining us." Zachary almost sighed with relief.

"Why not?" Jack asked Andy with a small whine in his tone.

"You aren't Wild Ones. It's that simple." Andy retaliated whilst brushing his hair back and out of his way.

"Sorry." CC brushed past them along with Jake and Jinxx who carried in Ashley, so only the Wild Ones were in the elevator, waiting for everyone else.

"Let's get going, shall we?" Zachary asked as he herded everyone in and pushed th down button on the elevator. The tension was tangible.

"I'll call in a gun-shot wound." Steve said and he repeated some numbers into a phone or walkin-talkie. "It's a code grey. Five-seven-three."

"Janxx is legit." Ashley stirred for just a moment before becoming unconscious. His bleeding increased and Jinxx and Jake took action. Steve helped them as best he could, but was on the other side of the expansive freight elevator.

"Shit! The bullet is fucking moving, it's in his appendix!" Jinxx cried as he tried to pull it out with tweezers. The doors moved and a medical team of four people took Ashley onto a gurney and into an unused room.

"Leave it to us, have your meeting of something, we'll do our best!" Steve yelled as he followed them and started barking orders for supplies and whatnot.

"Fuck, man." CC ran his hands through his hair when Zachary shuffled them into a hallway that led to a main conference type/auditorium area and explained briefly what the schedule for the rest of the day would be like.

"You'll have your meeting a bit, but first we'll show you your rooms." Zachary led them to eight luxurious rooms. Jake and Jinxx decided they would room together because neither one was quite ready for such a private, large room after sharing a tiny cell with four other men.

"Okay but it'll be there jf you ever decide to change you minds." Zachary let them drop off their stuff and then took the Wild Ones inside what must have been a maze to a small meeting area.

"This is where you can have all of your meetings if you want them to be private and at least partially formal." Zachary explained, he then let them settled and walked briskly outside and back down the maze into his office, where paperwork was piling up.

"Shit." Zachary sighed and started on the work.

Back in the meeting room everyone was still coping with what had happened so the meeting hadn't yet begun.

"Okay, so we're out of jail. We're free!" CC said.

"But Ash isn't." Jake reminded them while squeezing a tearful Jinxx's hand tightly.

"Let's just go over what our next move is. Does that sound okay?" Andy asked everyone, they all nodded.

A/N: That was pretty boring and basically just a filler chapter but some stuff could maybe be potentially important perhaps in the future I don't know. I'm always keen on having someone tell me I'm doing bad or good but if it's bad give some advice, please! Have a nice day/night/apacolypse!!! Also I know it's a little late in the day but I was prepping for the band trip tomorrow, sorry!!


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