Chapter 2: The Legacy

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        "Mornin'...Shitface."  The Destoyer (CC) hollared toward the guard.

        "You get a shot...Shitface."  The guard responded with a smirk.

        "Destroyer, don't annoy the wild life."  The Mystic (Jinxx) joked.

        The Wild Ones were in a towering prison at the top floor and their guard, Juan as he was known, was always just looking for the perfect oppurtunity to give them a punishment.  The only reason they were alive is as a surprise bargaining chip to the rebels.  

        The Prophet (Andy) slowly stood up and walked to the edge of the cell and quietly, dangerously, offered, "Fight me, you bitch.  You are a pawn, a disposible pawn.  They can do whatever they want with you.  So fight me."

        "Retarded homo."  The guard muttered under his breath.

        "I'm sorry what was that!?!?!  Did you call him a retarded homo?  Asshole!  You little-"  The Deviant (Ashley) suddenly was held back by The Prophet and The Mourner (Jake).

        "Deviant.  Its really not worth your time."  The Prophet tried to calm his friend, but to no avail.

        "Don't.  I can spend my time on him if I want, its not like we're getting out anytime soon."  The Deviant shrugged off his friend and sat in the corner.  The Mystic was about to way something when he saw The Prophet shake his head 'no' very clearly.

        "Hey.  Mourner."

        "Yeah, Destroyer?"

        "I was thinking that,  maybe, just maybe the reason they haven't killed us is because the resistance has gone into hiding, preparing to launch a full scale war against these F.E.A.R. bastards."

        "I hope you're right.  For the sake of the world."  The Prophet spoke up before returning to his cot and curling up into the fetal position before closing his eyes and taking a nap.

        In the dream he had, he saw three teenagers, huddled around a map.  There were two brunette girls and one blonde boy, the shorter brunette spoke first, "I think they are around here,"  Pointing to a little circle on the map.

        "Cindy, do you think The Prophet is with the rest of them?"

        "Jack, I'm not sure, but I certainly hope they are all together 'cause we need to break them out."  The one apparently names Cindy responded with a hopeful look in her green eyes.

        The Prophet awoke with a start, "Guys.  Guys!  Wake up!"

        "Keep it down in there."  The guard barked into the cell as he passed by on his was to his bed.

        "What is it?"  The Mystic and Mourner asked in unison.

        "I've had a vision.  Of three teenagers-"

        "I like where this is going."  The Destroyer stated dirtily with a small smirk, once the rest of the small group stared at him for about thirty seconds his face grew serious and he apologized, "Sorry."

        "Anywasy, these teenagers were looking at a map of the desert in what appears to be a small cave or hideout for them.  They talked about finding 'Them' and the boy asked the shorter girl, 'Cindy, do you think The Prophet is with them?'  I think they were talking about rescuing us!

        "At least you, anyway."  The Deviant added darkly.  "They may only be able to rescue one of us, and it should, and probably is you, Prophet."

        They spent the next day quietly devising a plan to help with the escape in secret.  The guard almost caught them twice, but they persisted and had everything figured out.  They only had to wait, The Destroyer was changing his habits so he would be a little nicer everyday.  This way the guard wouldn't be suspicious of them all being polite.  Some days, they had decided, one of them would 'break' and would swear out the guard.

        "Fuck!  You really are an ass, huh,"  The Destroyer said after his arm started to bleed from the cut Juan had inflicted upon him.  "I hate you F.E.A.R. agents." The Destroyer muttered quietly, it was day two and he was struggling to be nice to the man who would inflict pain and call them slurs any chance he got.

        "Keep it together, you never know when they might get here."  The Mourner calmly reminded him.

        "It would really be a shame if you died before we could escape, don't you think?"  The Deviant sarcastically warned his friend.  Everyone was a little nervous about this.  There were only three teenagers trying to rescue them, they may or may not have even known the location of the prison, The Prophet said he couldn't see if the kids had the right place or not.

        "Lets just wait it out, shall we?"  The Mystic stated before returing to his little sculpture made from the styrofoam trays they got their food on.

A/N:  Thanks for reading and I know what you are saying, "Are you going to make group members gay?" and I say, "Maybe."  Or "Is there going to be Andley, Cash, Janxx, Jersian(CC and Jinxx), Jandy*, so on and so forth?"  I respond with, "Read on to find out!"  But I figure the F.E.A.R. agents are pretty homophobic or at least insult anyone anyway they can.  The other thing is the story is actually farther ahead then what you read, I have a reserve of chapters that way I can post one up pretty regularly.  Thanks for reading, see you next time!  :)  *For the record, Juliet makes no appearance so obviously she is not where the 'J' is from


PS-  I am actually a lesbian, so you know, I have nothin' but love for LGBT peeps.

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