An Unexpected Engagement

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Merry Christmas/ Christmas Eve, dear friends! I hope you enjoy!

Snow had just begun to fall, kissing rooftops and dusting over yellow grass. Trish, Doppio, and Fugo were helping you mold a snowman into a perfectly spherical shape while Giorno, Narancia, and Mista were all burying Diavolo in the snow against his will. Of course, what's a snow day without a snowball fight? Abbacchio and Bucciarati were yeeting chunks of snow back and forth across their arena. 

"Giorno Giovanna...This is the last day you'll cross-," Giorno slapped a chunk of snow down on his mouth, patting it until it held firm.

"What? You didn't finish!" Giorno smirked and stood with his duo of malicious snow packers. "Well, amici miei, a cup of cocoa sounds nice, yes?" He shifted his gaze to Mista and Narancia. They nodded, and Giovanna called everyone inside, leaving Diavolo to freeze in his solid pile of snow and ice. 

Bruno fixed hot chocolate for everyone. You sat poking at the marshmallows in your drink, happy as the five bobbed up and down in their steaming chocolate bath. Perhaps it was just your superstition, but Narancia and Mista had been spending more time together, and disappearing more often. Mista and Trish, maybe, but Mista and Narancia? You contained the puke rising in your stomach. 

Abbacchio leaned over from his seat. "What's the deal with Narancia and Mista?" He whispered.

"I know right? That's what I'm trying to figure out..."

Very conveniently, Mista stood up, and hit his fork against his mug as if to make a toast. He broke the mug and spilled burning hot chocolate all over himself, pure ecstasy satisfying your mind as he screamed in anguish.

"HOLY SH-," He covered his own mouth and did a little dance. He made a dash for the outdoors and threw himself into the freezing snow, which just happened to be right next to Diavolo. 

"MISTA AND I ARE GETTING MARRIED." Narancia squealed, paused, and ran outside like a creepy child. 

"The hell?" Abbacchio mumbled as the entirety of the gang watched Narancia struggle to pull away Mista from Diavolo who had a tight blue fist around his neck. 

"NO! NO GET OFF OF MY UH, MY BOYFRIEND?!" Narancia tried to disguise embarrassment by covering up his face with his orange hair band, but only blinded himself. Diavolo broke from his snowy prison, his skin now pale and light purple. Everyone watched as he choked the two out, his hands around Mista's neck, and his thigh's around Narancia's.

"Lucky..." Mista squeezed from his purple lips before passing out. 

Giorno took a glance at Abbacchio's disgusted expression.

"Don't look at me doughnut hair...I'm getting some wine..." Abbacchio strode off as if he were already intoxicated.

"LEONE. YOU WILL NOT!" Bruno quickly followed.

"Hey, Gio, have you ever considered getting a personal Ferris wheel?" You asked, drinking from a flask of grape juice just to scare people.


"Here's my pitch. We get a giant Ferris wheel, right? People will come to see it, and then they'll know our location. Sounds bad, yes? Well, how to solve this problem now that there are witnesses? We throw bricks from the Ferris wheel and hit them in the head. That way, we can practice our aim, and we can get rid of witnesses. Plus, we can practice hiding bodies!"

"You know, (Y/n), maybe take that up with Polnareff. I hear he's a fan of amusement parks..."

"Sounds dandy to me buckaroo." You stuck a finger in the middle doughnut of Giorno's hair and strode off to find the man in the turtle.

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