You get really hurt

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You're seven in this one cause I said so.

It was another sunny day. The sky was clear and only a few puffy clouds were covering it. Bucciarati had taken everybody to the park that day to get a break from mafia work. 

Abbacchio and Bucciarati were sitting on a bench chatting, Fugo and Narancia were walking around and petting all of the dogs that were playing, Giorno and Mista were sitting down on a picnic blanket. Mista was asking Giorno if he could create a human being. Giorno had to explain to him that he could create a body but not a soul. Mista wasn't understanding so Giorno kept trying to explain it to him for an hour. Trish and you were taking a stroll around the park.  Mr. Polnareff was sitting under a tree by Mista and Giorno, just relaxing in the turtle.

The grass was healthy and damp, the sun was shining brightly on the park, and the trees swayed happily as the soft wind blowed through their lush leaves. The sky was a gorgeous blue and faded down like ombré to a darker blue. 

After you and Trish finished your loop around the park, she went to go join Giorno and Mista in their conversation about Golden Experience. You went to Abbacchio, now being bored. You walked up to the bench and sat in between Bucciarati and Abbacchio who had gotten a little too close to each other...


"Yes hun?"

"Play hide and seek with me!"

Abbacchio looked over a Bucciarati with a look in his eyes that clearly said "please save me from this child Bruno". Bucciarati stared into his eyes and gave a look that said "she's your daughter, spend some time with her". Abbacchio turned to you.

":sigh: Fine."

A smile spread across your face and Abbacchio couldn't help but smirk. "1...2...3". Abbacchio covered his eyes and you ran. He felt a warm hand on his back. "Thank you." Bruno said softly to Leone. 

Your heart was beating as you searched desperately for a hiding spot. He was never going to find you. He would have to use Moody blues. However, he didn't know you knew about Moody Blues.

You saw a giant tree. It's branches were huge and it's leaves were lush. It would hide you perfectly. You carefully climbed up the giant tree. Step by step, you made it to a branch that was fairly high up. You had a perfect view of your dad.

Abbacchio stood up, but the only problem was, Bucciarati's hand didn't move. So... it just slid down... as he stood up. So yeah, it slid down, to his..."waist ". He started casually walking around searching for you. He was starting to wonder if you had been kidnapped, because he couldn't  find you anywhere.

You snickered in the tree as you sat on the branch, wondering how long it would take him to find you. And than you heard barking. You twisted your head swiftly to see which direction it was coming from.

You lost your balance, and fell from the tree. It was like it was in slow motion as you fell. You knew it was going to hurt, and you were scared. The pain you were going to embrace, would hurt like hell, and it did.

You hit the ground with a thud. Intense pain shot down from your shoulder to your fingertips. You only knew one thing, this hurt like hell, and you needed help. You tried to scream for help, but you were in so much pain, your screams were muffled. You laid there, silently crying with your good hand covering your mouth. Your face was red, and you had a hard time breathing.

You laid there, curled up in a ball, for ten minutes or so, in utter agony. Whispering to yourself "he-lp m-me dad". You tried to look at the scenery to distract you, but it didn't help at all. In fact, nobody did.

Abbacchio had worried so much, he finally used Moody blues which led him to the tree you had fallen from. He searched frantically above him, considering you were no longer on the branch you had been on.

"D-daddy," you managed to whisper in pain from the grassy floor which was hiding your body three quarters of the way. 

He quickly looked down to see you curled up with tears flowing down your face. He swiftly with much concern on his face dropped beside you. Worry was flooding into his chest. He felt sick, and had a feeling he knew what had happened.

"(Y/n) what happened?!"

"I-I fell..." you whispered hoarsely.

"What hurts.?"

"My a-arm."

Abbacchio picked you up, biting his lip. He was sprinting at this point. Bucciarati saw you crying in Leone's arms, so he came running to you two. 

"Leone, what happened!?"

"She fell, and I think she either broke or dislocated her arm."

Bucciarati turned around and saw the rest of the gang doing nothing. They were just chatting. They probably didn't even know you were hurt.

"Hey bastards! Get over here!" Bruno shouted. The came running. When Bucciarati calls them bastards, it's usually important. 

Bruno pulled your shirt down barely, so that he could see if your arm was dislocated or broken. Your shoulder was in an awkward position and was absolutely dislocated. 

"C-can you fix it Giorno?" You asked trying to hold back your sobs 

"Well... no. It's dislocated, so there is nothing to be replaced. We're going to have to put it back in place."

You winced at the mere thought of it. You nodded your head slowly, and they took you to Mr. Polnareff. You entered the turtle, and Polnareff's spirit appeared. He saw you hurt and ran over to Abbacchio who was holding you. 

"What happened?"

"Dislocated arm."

"Hmm...lay her on the couch."

Abbacchio laid her on the couch and Polnareff got to work. Since he can't interact with living things, he had to instruct Bucciarati and Abbacchio on how to help you. They were pulling your arm back carefully. 

You didn't want to look weak in front of Polnareff, so you bit your lip to prevent your screams of pain. He was your role model after all. He was like... your best friend. Your kind best friend who was there for you when times were rough...even if he was dead. 

He gave you a kind look and told you "you can do it (y/n). Hang in there." He held out his spirit hand and stroked your head. His hand ran through your smooth (h/c) hair. He could feel it, but he couldn't interact with it. 

The pain was worse than it had been when you dislocated it. They pulled slowly, making it so much worse. You held a groan in your throat as it popped back into place. You sat up, moving it around a bit; it was going to be sore and bruised tomorrow. 

You ran over to Polnareff and wrapped your good arm around him. He placed his spectral arms around you, holding you close to him. Polnareff, was a good friend.

"Thank you..." you mumbled into his clothes, still embracing him. "pas de problème kiddo." He knelt down and looked you in the eyes as he said it. Heh, those big ol blue eyes were always so comforting and friendly.

"Hey uhm... Bucciarati?" Narancia said, nervously.


"Could uh- could we get McDonalds? I'm starving!"

Bucciarati facepalmed and looked at you and Jean Pierre. Polneraff shrugged as if to say "why not?" And you nodded your head. 

"Go grab my car keys..." Bruno sighed. The whole gang shouted a victory yes. You sat in the turtle with Polnareff as you drove to McDonalds. Not the way, he told you that you were a fighter when it came to difficult tasks. That's what he liked about you. You cuddled on his lap the whole way and he told you about how he met Bucciarati and your father. Boy, was that interesting. A mafia boss disguised as an adorable young man with pink hair.

  You got a 10 piece nugget with sweet and sour sauce with some apple slices and shared a few nuggets with Polnareff. You still were confused with how he ate real food considering he was dead... Narancia got a happy meal and everybody else got a Big Mac. It was a good day to be alive.

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