You swear for the first time

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You're six in this one. Also... F word warning!!! If you don't like foul language, skip this scenario!!! Thank you!!!!

It was in the afternoon. The clouds were puffy, the sun was shining. The birds were singing, and the trees were lush and handsome. The entire gang, except for Bucciarati and Abbacchio, were inside, watching Mista play a very violent video game.

You weren't used to gore all that much, so Giorno would cover your eyes at the extreme parts. Mista had turned the language off so that Abbacchio and Bucciarati wouldn't shatter his knee caps. Every time Giorno covered your eyes, you heard everybody cheering for the gore on the screen.

Every time Mista was about to swear, Trish covered his mouth. She was really good about keeping your eyes and ears safe from Mista. Mista was really nice to you. He was a little weird, but he always made you smile. You thought that Mista liked Trish, but you didn't know a whole lot about that kind of thing...yet.

"I'll be right back, watch your language while I'm gone please Mista."


Trish got off of the couch they were all sitting on, and left the room. Giorno was sitting crisscross and you were sitting in the crisscross. You were pretty comfortable.

You were wearing a cute little dress. It was navy blue and had sparkles in the breast area. You had no pants on, so whenever you shifted your position, Giorno always had to make sure your dress didn't completely reveal you to all of the men in the room.

Five minutes after Trish had left, more gore had appeared on the screen, and Giorno had forgotten to cover your eyes. Half way through the bloody mess and entrails flying across the screen, Giorno realized his mistake, and quickly covered your eyes.

You removed his hands from your eyes, it was just getting interesting. He looked down at you. You were fascinated with heads flying from their bodies. Giorno just kinda let you look from then on.

"Hey, where do you think Bucciarati and Abbacchio are?" Fugo asked.

"They're probably off somewhere fucking....." Mista quieted down as he finished his sentence. He had realized his MISTAke. "OH SHI- I MEAN CRAP!"

Everybody was looking at him. They all had awe in their eyes. At that moment, Trish walked back into the room. She saw the expression of everyone in the room, and knew exactly what had happened.



"What did he say???!!!"

Narancia started laughing his face off. He fell off the couch and started rolling on the floor while the others tried not to laugh. They had to be serious if they wanted to live. 

"He-HE said-:laughter: He said that Abbacchio and B-Bucciarati were probably off somewhere..."

Narancia couldn't breath with how hard he was laughing. He was incapable of finishing his sentence. Fugo walked up to Trish, and whispered it to her.

"MISTA! Abbacchio is going to kill you!"

"Well...Does he have to know!?"

The room went quiet.  You were wondering what "fucking" meant, while Trish looked at her feet. Mista turned the game off and everyone looked at each other.

"Well... Fine. We'll cover for you, but be ready to have your knee caps shattered by four police batons."

A shiver went down Mista's spine at the idea of his punishment. "I'm going to go make a hideout in Giorno's quarters. I'm grabbing Mr. Polnareff."

Giorno and Mista went to go make a good hiding spot just in case Abbacchio decided to become   Abbacchigo to hell. You went with Trish because she was hoping to get your mind off of "fucking". Narancia and Fugo stayed behind to play more video games. 

Trish and you did all sorts of activities together. She took you for a walk, you got ice cream, you had a tickle fight, but your head was still wondering deep deep down what "fucking" meant.

Eventually Abbacchio and Bucciarati appeared out of nowhere. They were walking and talking as the daylight poured out its sunshine onto their skin. They seemed happy enough.

Trish and you walked up to them. You were excited that your daddy was back. You missed him and Mama Bruno. They had gone to the restaurant Libeccio for some lunch, and quite enjoyed it. 

"Daddy!" You ran with a gleeful smile into his welcoming arms. He seemed happy to see you as well, and you couldn't wait to ask him about the new word you learned. 

Trish walked away to go see if Mista was ready to hide. Bruno said hi to you and tickled your chin with a soft and kind expression on his face. You giggled.

"So what did you do today hun?" Asked Mama Bruno. 

" I watched Mista play video games with everyone." The two assumed that Giorno was there, and covered your eyes at the bad parts, so they weren't worried. Abbacchio gave you a kiss on the cheek and hugged you.

"Also I learned something today daddy!" Trish gave you a look, telling you not to continue, but you ignored her. She ran inside Giorno's quarters, locking the door, and hiding with the others.


"Well, Fugo asked where you and Mama Bruno were, and Mista said that you were probably off somewhere "fucking". What does fucking mean?"

"Bucciarati, go grab my batons."

Bucciarati nodded and went to go get Abbacchio's police batons. Leone explained to you that "Fucking" was a very very bad word that you should never say. You stared to cry because you thought you were in trouble.

"Honey it's fine It's fine. You're not in trouble, Mista is. You wanna come help daddy break Mista's legs?"

You slowly nodded as Bucciarati returned with four batons. You took one, Abbacchio took two, and Bucciarati took one. If Mista wasn't hidden well, he would surely die this day.

The three of you barged into Giorno's quarters. You didn't check Mista's quarters first because Bruno saw Trish go into Giorno's room. The two men both knew they were underage, so Mista had to be hiding in there.

Mista, Giorno, Trish, and Polnareff were all hiding in a secret compartment in Giorno's black leather futon. Spirit Polnareff was trying to calm Mista down while Giorno and Trish were coming up with many different scenarios in which Mista was killed.

Abbacchio searched everywhere for five hours. He couldn't find them. He made a vow, that when he next saw Mista, he was going to beat the living hell out of him. 

After the three of you finished your search for the day, you all went to the kitchen. Abbacchio sat down and spoke with Fugo and Narancia while you helped Bruno make dinner. And no, just because Polnareff is a turtle now, does not mean he is attracted to turtles.

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