You get a stand

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You're eight in this one. 4 x 2.

Now, like in any house, there's a cookie jar. Giorno had his own personal cookie jar, Mista and Trish shared one, Fugo and Narancia shared one, and Abbacchio, Bucciarati, and you shared one. As you can imagine, cookies were very dear to everyone.

Abbacchio, being a responsible daddio, put the cookie jar at the very back of the kitchen counter to where you couldn't reach. had made a new friend. At first you were wondering if you were seeing thing, but you had already seen the gang and their friends, so you were pretty sure you weren't seeing things. Your friend would very rarely say anything to you, but would sometimes do hand signals. It felt good, having another friend. You hadn't told anybody about it because you were worried they would laugh at you. 

When you were alone, you would ask if your friend was there, and you would talk to it, wether it was responding or not. You had no clue what this friend was, or where it came from. It just, appeared one one day, when you were running and tripped. It swiftly caught you. You vividly remember staring into it's shining eyes as it caught you. It disappeared right after.

You were in Abbacchio's quarters alone for an hour. So, being like any child, cookie time. You walked over to the counter. Okay, you could do this. You just had to...

"Hey...uhm, friend?"

Your friend appeared almost out of thin air. "Yes?" It spoke. When it spoke, you always got really happy. Happy that your friend was willing to talk to you. It only ever spoke once before, and it made your world bright.

"I, uhm, want a cookie. Could you grab one or two for me?"

It nodded its head. It swiftly jumped up and swung its leg hard at the other side of the counter. It pushed off of the other side of the counter and landed on the other side of the counter. Grabbing  the entire cookie jar, and jumping down off the counter, it stood, majestically in front of you. 

Munching on a few cookies, you asked your friend to put the jar back on the table, and it did. You were about to leave, and then an idea hit you in the head like Star platinum's fists to Dio's skull. I should introduce my friend to Polnareff! You thought. He wouldn't laugh at me! He would understand!

Your friend had already disappeared as you were running out the door. There was one spot Polnareff liked to be when he wasn't busy, and it was under a certain tree that was in the mini garden. You ran immediately to the tree, ignoring anybody who said anything to you when you were running. 

Sure enough, Polnareff was there. You jumped into the turtle, and looked around. Spectral Polnareff was sitting in the corner, reading a book. How he got the book, you were wondering. Did...did he somehow kill the book? You didn't want to think about it.

"Well hello there (Y/n)! What brings you to my happy, little, turtle, paradise?"

You giggled and ran to him. You hugged him, but you couldn't feel the warmth in his body. Or for that matter, you couldn't really feel much of his body at all, but you could a little bit. 

"Well, I have someone I'd like you to meet." You smiled. Your eyes were soft and your smile, softer. You looked like a little angel.

"Oh-oh no. Please tell me it's not a boyfriend."

"What, no! Here, just, see for yourself."

"Show yourself to Polnareff, friend." You spoke in a friendly manner, hoping it wouldn't be shy.

It immediately revealed itself to Polnareff. It was vivid and intimidating. Dark, and powerful looking. It was only as tall as you however. At this time you were only 4'3. Your friend was...kind of cute.

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