Sonju and Mujika

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3rd pov

As emma lay in Gilda's arms, all the kids began rushing over. Emma's eyes were shut and she was breathing heavily.

"Oh no! Her wound opened up again!" Anna let out. Anna had always been quite the medic. Even at the house, most kids would run to her after they got hurt. Not only did Anna help tremendously when [y/n] passed out, but she had also helped Emma, [y/n], and Ray bandage up their ear wounds.

Well. I guess only [y/n] and Ray were doing okay with their wounds.

"And she's burning up with fever!" Gilda's voice trembled, fearing for the worst. 

"Ray and [y/n] are gone, and now she's down..." Thoma started.

"Now what do we do?" Lannion finished. The two of them made quite the duo.

Suddenly, out of the silence that enveloped them, a voice emerged. "Hurry!" The woman's voice called out. All of the children gasped and turned their heads behind them. A strange woman with a cloak stood in a glowing field of grass.

Her hand pointed to the right, "This way." Her voice seemed to echo among the trees,

Gilda gasped. "Who is that?" Alicia asked, stepping behind Anna in fear.

"It's... a girl." Rossi stated, curiously wavering forward towards the strange person. Was it even a person?

Don stepped forward in front of the entire group, "Krone did say there were other humans in the outside world..." 

"Then..." Lannion started; "She's good.." Thoma finished. They must've been taking turns or something.

"Hold on!" Gilda yelled, running up to stand beside Don, "We don't know you! Who are you?!" She yelled towards the cloaked figure. "Show us your face!" Gilda demanded again.

The figure did nothing but put their arm down, and give a eerie smile.

3rd pov

Ray gasped, shooting up. His eyes frantically scanned the strange place around him. Strange glowing crystals were the only main source of light. Was he underground? He was alone, in a little cave. His rescuer even got him a blanket.

Wait. He was alone? Where was [y/n]?

He shot up and grabbed a lantern, walking out. '[y/n].'

He walked down the strange, underground maze. '[y/n]'

He checked in other small little caves. '[y/n]'

He turned a corner and— Emma?

"Emma! Emma!" Ray ran over towards her, tapping her shoulder harshly, "Emma, it's me! Wake up!"

Emma's head slowly turned towards him, her voice was soft and her eyes half opened, "Oh, Ray... It's you.." Suddenly, her eyes widened. She slowly maneuvered herself to sit up, "Ray! You're okay!"

"Thank goodness! You came back safe!" She hugged him tightly, crying in his shoulder, "I'm so glad!"

He slowly hugged her back, "I'm glad you're okay too, Emma." She sniffled as she let go and sat back, "W-Where's [y/n]?" She didn't sound concerned— she thought he would know.

"I... don't know..." Ray mumbled, Emma's eyes widened in fear.

"W-What do you mean?! Weren't you with her?" Emma whisper-yelled, her hands gripping into fists. Now she sounded concerned.

"She got hurt— like, real bad; and I— we got rescued, and we both fainted..!" Ray rambled, trying to defend himself. Emma wasn't buying it.

"Well..." Emma clapped her hands together, "She's [y/n]. We can trust that she'll be fine on her own." She lied to herself. Anyone could see that.

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