The debate

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AN- please observe the chart above and prepare for the most stupid, genius, and intense argument of your life.

3rd person pov

"Don't worry, these tunnels are safe. I built em' myself from the fallen trees." Sonju's voice snapped [y/n] back into reality. She traced over the new bandage on her forearm as Nat happily dragged her along.

Nat looked back at [y/n] and smiled, "I'm glad you're alive and escaped from your adoption; now we can always play together!" [y/n] smiled back as she ruffled his hair, "I'm glad I'm alive to play with you, too."

"Your pursuers don't even know they're here. Only Mujika and I can find our way around this labyrinth." Sonju said, as if he was proud of his achievement. "I still get lost," Mujika laughed as the rest of the children laughed along with her.

"We're makin' good progress." Ray smiled as he jumped down roots. Emma put the checkered pen away as she smiled back at him.

"The demons chasing you dont know the way out of the forest, but down here, the way out's this way."

"[y/n]!!" Nat yelled in her ear, "Were you listening to a word I was saying?!". [y/n] stared at him before slowly nodding, "You were saying... um..."

Nat scoffed, "I was explaining to you why a hotdog is a sandwich!" The entire group, including Sonju and Mujika froze. There was a solid three seconds of silence before sudden yelling and overlapping arguments.

At first it was funny, but then it started getting serious.




Ray was wheezing by how much he was laughing, and Emma's face hurt from smiling so much. [y/n] looked too tired to care.

They all were thinking the same thing, but for different reasons. 'We are surrounded by a lot of idiots.'

[y/n], done with this useless argument, slammed her fist on the wall of the tunnel; shutting everyone up in mere seconds.

"A sandwich; an item of food consisting of two pieces of bread with meat, cheese, or other filling between them, eaten as a light meal. Because a hotdog, in question, is a single piece of bread and is purposely made like that, a hotdog is not a sandwich." [y/n] finished, in which everyone was convinced.

Everyone except Ray, of course.

"Hotdogs and sandwiches are both complete meals delivered by means of bread, unified in their portability and relatively lack of mess. A bun that has not been totally separated into two parts qualifies as a sandwich, because if not, you are saying that a submarine sandwich is not a sandwich. On your own definition, [y/n], a hotdog is a sandwich." Ray had a satisfied look in his eyes as he challenged her.

This was a classic Ray move. He challenged the non-negotiable; a trait [y/n] couldn't help but adore.

[y/n] stepped up to him, "They both have completely different origins and histories. Hotdogs hail from the sausage-loving societies of central Europe. While there is some controversy around whether the first hotdog recipe was perfected, there is no confusing the hotdog's decidedly Germanic origins with the English origins of the sandwich."

Ray stepped up to her as well, "A hotdog is a sandwich because what else could it be? It is either a word that hasn't been invented, or a sandwich. The most obvious answer is the latter." Ray scoffed, "[y/n], I need you to understand that I am willing to have a full on argument with you right now."

"'What else would it be'? My argument is that a hotdog is a taco, not a sandwich." [y/n] continued, as everyone else watched this heated conversation. At this point, with both arguments fairly backed up, everyone didn't know which side they were anymore.

"Wait- since when did tacos come into the picture??" Emma held her head in confusion, trying to keep up with this debate.

Thoma patted her back and sat her down, "It's dangerous to try and interfere with these two arguing. It is best to just watch." Lannion nodded as he handed her some popcorn.

"Ray, think of food as cubes. When the starch of the foods over two sides of the cube and they are parallel to each other, that is a sandwich. However, when the starch of the food covers three sides of the food, it is a taco. Going back to the submarine sandwich example, that too, should be considered a taco. Think about it Ray. You can't win this argument." [y/n] ended it all.

Ray stayed silent, before averting his eyes and stepping back. "...A hotdog is a taco." He gave in as all the children stood up and cheered.

Sonju stood up and muttered to Mujika, "...These are the kids who escaped the farms..?". Mujika laughed at his confusion as she walked over towards the two, "Now that we've settled that debate, let's continue moving on."

"Will do!" The children cheered happily.

Lol im sorry for writing this. It was a bit of a filler, but nonetheless entertaining.

You know what's funny? This chapter, a debate about what a hotdog is, was longer than my end-of-the-unit essay

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2022 ⏰

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