Chapter 17: Confessions

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**hey guys sorry its been a while, had some medical stuff i had to deal with. But heres the next chapter***

As we got back to the rooms i couldn't help but still laugh at the previous events. They could always make me laugh and cheer me up. They had also made me forget all about the drama. I know that its all in large my own fault but i honestly had a big enough hole dug without brandon coming back into my life. Everything was going wrong. My medical problems were becoming more of an issue and it seems as though there was no way out of all the trouble i had made for myself. I knew what I had to do, but i couldn't tell anyone just yet. No I would have to wait till it was all ready and set to go so as noone could talk me out of it.


Mila p.o.v.

Mya had been acting really distant this past week. SHe didn't go out with us as much and was either at class or in some kind of meeting. I know she had alot going on but I some how got the feeling there was a reason she had been avoiding all of us, a reason she knew we wouldn't like. I decided i needed to talk to her so as soon as she got out of her meeting i was going to snatch her up and talk with her.

I went into the hall to do my work and soon enough Mya came walking down the hall. SHe was starring off as usual thinking really hard about something. Before i could stop her to tell her we needed to tlk she was standing in front of the door.

"hey mila, i need to talk to you,...well i need to talk to everyone actually, you think you can get everyone to meet in the guys room. Well i mean everyone that matters" she smiled and went into the room. What was up? was this why she had been avoideng everyone. I thought about what she said, everyone who matters...So i went and grabbed our roomates, and told ryan to get the guys together.


Mya's P.O.V

This was it, I had quitely been packing all my stuff without anyone realizing and had already made living arrangements. I had told housing that I was leaving on medical and had a bizillion meetings all weeek with them and admissions. The only thing left was to tell the people i really cared about here, That i was leaving in the morning. I prolly should have told them all sooner, but i knew they'd all talk me out of it. I had told everyone, my parents, the school i was leaving because of my medical problems. And i felt guilty that i was too about to lie to those who were always there for me. But this is what i did best, run away, run away from all my pro blems and just forget about them start over.

I walked into the boys room, I had told mila to have everyone meet me there about a hhalf hour ago, but I wanted to make sure I had all my stuff completly packed before I went over. Really I was just stalling but whatever. As soon as i had shut the door everyone immedietly turned to me.

"um..heyy guys" I had no idea what i was going to say, how was i suppose to just drop a bomb on everyone like this...well maybe it wont be that big a deaal. Im making it bigger than it is.

"heyy mya, so what was it you wanted to talk about" I looked between mila and ryan two of the people i wass closest to, wow this was going to be harder than i thought.

" leaving" silence filled the room and then a couple people kinda laughed

"very funny mya, so whats up" I looked at trevor with a blank face, they all thought i was kidding.

"I'm serious guys, i'm getting picked up tomorrow morning, my rooms all packed. Thats where I've been all week i had to fill out a bunch of papers for the school." everyone looked at me this time i mix of hurt and pissed off on their faces.

"you can't leave!"

"why did you wait till now to tell us?"

"is this because of the boys?"

"your kidding right?"

The air was filled with questions and statements i wasn't about to respond to. The truth was yes it did have to do with the boys, it had to do with things that were happening, had happened that i regreted that haunted me everynight i was in that room. It had to do with personal reasons. but it also had to do with my medical problems, although prolly the least reaason, it was the reason i told everyone. The only reason they would except.

***I really owe this chapter to alot of people, The truth isn't always the easiest but when it might hurt those you care about, its not really worth it***

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