Chapter 5: Pointing fingers

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As i walked to the library to meet cilia i couldnt help but think about what mila said, would cilia really write all those things and more, i mean she knew more than me but she still didnt know the whole story.  I mean we had never really talked about what happened we were both drunk when we figured it out and that didnt help ration things at all, shouldnt she be mad at kyle not me

"uh helloo, whats with the face"

Seriously i need to be more catious of that

"uh..nothing ready to do this cilia"

"do i really have a choice"

yes you do you can bitch slap your piece of shit boyfriend for cheating on you and stop being an uptight bitch

"guess not" i plastered on my fake smile and got out the packet from Mr.S

about an hour later all we had accomplished was when we would work on this and where, it was obvious neither of us wanted to do this and we were going to procrastinate as long as we could

"i gotta go i got class in like five minutes"

cilia looked at me blankly

"soo....i guess we'll work more on it tomorrow"

i got up and turned towards the door

"why'd you do it"

shocked i stoped walking,

"excuse me"

"why did you do it, why did you hook-up with kyle, i mean you had so many other guys you could have chose so why my boyfriend"

was that like the question of the day, was i missing something, i was starting to get frustrated

"cilia i didnt know kyle had a girlfriend, he never mentioned you even before we hooked-up.  I mean we had been going out wid everyone and dancing and shit for a while before we hooked-up you would think he would have said something"

"well did you ever ask?"

why the hell would i ask, he said he was single, he acted single, he asked me to do all those things, how was i the homewrecker


"see its just as much your fault"

this girl was seriously off her rocker

"im sorry i got to go, this is obviousy not gonna get resolved"

with that i headed to class already two minutes late, shit

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