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Practice was just a long pain of having to see Luca prancing about like he owned everyone.

I admit him being the quarterback and all gave him some power but that didn't  mean he had to be a douche about it.

I was still fuming and marching down the field when I heard coach screaming my name.

"TYSON!!" Coach basically screamed as I turned to him

"Get your head outta the gutter boy or else I'll get you off my field,,,, now get into position!!" He screamed

Great . Just great . Something else Lucas would hold over my head. I looked over to the devil in question and saw him snickering.
The bastard.

"If I get my hands on him I'm ruining him" and that thought alone helped me get through the rest of practice.


I was now on my way to the parking lot and still dressed in my stinking gear. No way was I going to have a shower close to that perv .Who knows what typa gay shit he'll be thinking about to me showering.

I shivered at the thought as I increased my pace wanting to leave this godforsaken school for once. As I got to my car ..I was perplexed to find a smug looking Luca leaning against the driver's side.

"I swear to god if you don't leave me the fuck alone I'll tell the entire team how you like to suck dick Myers!" I glared as I marched to where he was standing

"Ohh really Woods...go ahead then...I think they'd also love to hear how you grow hard from being chocked on....... " he snickered and leaned over to my ear

".......by a boy" he finished

And that was it I launched myself at him and threw the strongest punch I could right at his nose...That piece of shit had it coming and I could fill something breaking as I punched some more....and just as I expected
As soon as he gathered his wits ....Luca punched back...and that's how it went for a few hot minutes until some pass buyers came across us fighting and pried us apart.

I was fuming and could feel my body aching in different places but I was raging with pride at how Lucas's face looked...and If I looked like that too I didn't mind as long as that motherfucker felt how I felt or even worse...

I was pleased.

"You're gonna regret this Woods!!!!" He spat as a couple of guys held him at bay as he looked like he wanted to cast a few more blows at me.

"I'll be waiting Myres!!and make sure you keep your filthy faggot hands away from me " I all but screamed as I marched to my car and drove away.

The thing that scared me the most wasn't Lucas's threat but my heart beating so fast I could hear it in my ears and like the coward I am, I blamed it on the fight.


As soon as I got home I sprinted to my room. Knowing my mom, she would probably make a fuss of the state I was in and call the school which I didn't want because I'd go around as the Mama's boy.

I loved my mom but she could be overbearing sometimes.

I tore off my clothes and got into the shower. Whilst I was washing my hair I tried to pry off the thoughts of Lucas's hands on me but it seemed as if they would haunt me forever.

Disgusting! That piece of shit.
I've never felt hate so strong for a person and I was certain it wasn't going to be the first time I was coming home with bruises.

I was going to fucking kill him.

Once I was done..I took a chance look at the mirror and I groaned at the black eye I was now spotting.

That prick.

I wasn't aware of how tired I was until I  jumped into my bed and knocked out as soon as I got inside the covers.

Well it seems I'm not having supper today I thought as I drifted off.

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