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Been watching Love,Victor and I swear it's the sweetest :)♡
Check it out!!!! If you haven't


"Please Sam, I beg you .......I need this.

Always and Forever you said and now you can't even do this little thing for me"
I whined

"Don't pull that card on me Ty, it's not even relevant.....just because I don't want to go and get piss drunk with you at Ian's party doesn't mean you get to hang that over my head"

It was now Friday and after a week of stares and some not so friendly shoving in the hallways, I was fed up. I was currently flat on my stomach on the floor at home with Sam sitting on the couch and all I needed was booze in my system.

"But Sammmmm......"

"No Ty, we both know you can't handle your liquor and I don't even know why you want to go to a party, you don't even like parties, plus i don't know if you're forgetting but you're grounded.....and if you tell me if it has something to do with Luca I swear-....

"No Sam--" i interrupted "...I just need to catch a breather ....let loose and you know, check if the whole world isn't collapsing around me....
Please come with me ...I swear we won't even stay that long and we can tell my mom you forgot some books at your place....being alone with my thoughts isn't helping me at the moment" I finished

Looking Sam's way I knew I had hit a nerve and I felt bad for manipulating my friend but I knew she'd understand.
Sam begrudgingly said yes after giving me an entire lecture claiming that if I even thought of getting drunk she'd drop me off naked at the police station.

Feeling slightly violated but giddy nonetheless I stood up from the floor and ran upstairs to change whilst Sam left to go to her place to do the same.


I was on my third shot of vodka and if someone had to ask me about what I had eaten for breakfast this morning I swear, I wouldn't know shit.

Sam had left me about an hour ago saying some shit about a girl from her Bio class and hoow she couldn't deal with my ass anymore but what do I care?

I couldn't fully remember why I was drinking my ass off....but that fact alone made me calmer than I had felt in the past week.

Too drunk to care I started to play beer pong with some guys I would have said I remembered from school but I would be lying and....... if I wasn't drunk already, playing this game was just a bad choice. I couldn't aim to save my own life and the guy I was playing with was slowing passing the brink from irritated to pissed.

After a few rounds, we lost.....
not like anyone expected more anyways but now I couldn't even tell my left from right.
I started to walk away from the roudy highschoolers until I reached the dance floor and suddenly felt the urge to dance.

The whole place smelled of sweat and booze and everyone was too close too each other for comfort but that didn't seen to bother me at the moment.

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