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Dedicated to lizabeth1973


Those were the first words my not so holy mouth let out the minute I opened my eyes......well tried to.
I couldn't understand were my train of thought started and ended, what day it was, where I was and the massive bolder in my head wasn't doing anything to help.

I felt like dying.

When I finally could focus my eyes on one thing I was confused by the colour of the ceiling in my room.
Definitely wasn't grey.

That could only mean one thing.

I wasn't home,  I got wasted last night and I was fucked.

I tried to detangle myself from the sheets that didn't seem to want to let me go but ended up face flat on the ground.

"Ugggggghhhhhhh" I groaned

I so wasn't having the time of my life.

"Look at you...
How the mighty have fallen"

That snicker.
I could tell it from miles apart .I slowly got up from the position I was in to find a dishelved looking Luca lying on a sofa by the door.
How I hadn't noticed I was alone in the room was beyond me but I wasn't going to embarass myself more than I had to.
I flashed him the meanest glare I could come up with and got up.

"What are you doing here asshole. Here to gloat?" I demanded

"Don't get your panties in a twist princess
If I hadn't stayed here with you you would have choked on your own vomit.......so I believe 'a thank you Luca ; you're the best' is in order." He gloated

"Noone asked you. I'd rather have choked than wake up to see your face.
I'm surprised I didn't have nightmares" I spat

"Funny how you say you hate my face but you were all over it last night"

I thought.
I don't remember a thing.
Lord help me. If that peice of shit did something to me I'm going to kill him.

"You raped me didn't you"

I was so confused and enraged I didn't know what was going on until he had marched right from were he was laying down and caged me by the bed post.

"SAY that one more fucking time....I dare you" he seethed

At that moment I didn't know what was more enraging the fact that he was grabbing my throat or the fact that my morning wood was already twitching and I could bett I released some precum.

"You have a big mouth don't you Woods?......all bark and no bite
Let me tell you something PRINCESS.....
If I'm to touch you.........
it's not because I would've wanted to,  but because you would've begged me to do so....and I'll make sure you beg me until the only thing you know is my name and my dick..........
Next time SHUT the Fuck Up,
Or I'll spank this ass so hard you won't sit for a week."

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