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Puru puru puru puru puru...

[name] was forcefully awoken from her slumber as her Den-Den Mushi rang, alerting her of a call.

She let out a groan, lifting her body—with the help of the door—and sludging over to said Den-Den Mushi. Lifting the shell, [name] held it to her ear.


"[name], I need your help..." A voice spoke, the Den-Den Mushi imitating the unnerved expression of the caller.

Her brows furrowed, mouth slightly ajar.

"With what?" [name] quietly responded.

"Marines are after us, we've taken heavy damage and can't get away. Please, help us..." The voice of [name]'s friend was confident, but cracking quickly, he couldn't keep it together.

She went quiet, weighing her options.

"Yeah, I'll come help, where are you?"

(Famous last words)

[name] quickly packed her stuff, getting only the essentials. She would be returning later, after all.

This would happen quite often seeing as [name] used to be a pirate, quite a well known one, too.

'Skull Crusher, [last name] [name]
Bounty: 610 million berries
Wanted dead or alive'

Her appearance had changed over the years, so people had thought she was dead. Truthfully, she was just living a normal life in a town that didn't mind pirates, they let them do their things unless it went to shit.

[name] wiped the sweat from her brow with the sleeve of her black coat, letting out a groan as she heaved the heavy bag onto her shoulders.

Staggering out the the kitchen, she packed a much smaller bag of food for the trip. Grabbing an apple from the bag, she lifted said bag onto her forearm, strutting over to the door.

[name] turned her head, looking back into her home.

A minute had passed, she scanned the whole room, from the kitchen, to the island bench, to the hallway in between the kitchen and the small but cozy living room.

She let out a sigh, momentarily closing her eyes before taking a bite of her apple, turning and walking out the door, closing it behind her.

[name] huffed as she staggered and stumbled down the hill, almost tripping over at one point. During the madness of her almost falling down the hill, [name] looked behind her to her home, smiling at the sight of the sunset gleaming over her lovely abode.

Nothing can compare to a sunset greeting an adventure she thought, shaking her head and turning back, following the path with a glint in her eyes.

She steered herself to the edge of the forest, walking out into the town toward the port where her ship was anchored. It was a relatively small ship, sails decorated with her Jolly Roger, a skull with a scar lining it's forehead and the bones replaced with swords, outlined in white but the filling was black. The left eye had a small [eye colour] dot in the void of black.

Her [eye colour] eyes crinkled as she smiled at the sight of her old ship, it hadn't changed —other than the slight rotting of the wooden boards at the bottom of the ship—.

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