Chapter 1

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Hunter's P.O.V

I walked away after saying bye to Heather and Liam at Raven's burial ceremony. I couldn't believe it, it felt so wrong to refer to Raven as a dead person. My eyes stang and the tears soon came rushing down my face again.

Everyone was staring at me with pity as I forced myself to walk. There was no doubt that I looked like the most miserable person to ever roam the earth but I didn't care, at this point, I didn't care about anything.

I decided to take the deserted road to my house as a way of avoiding people, I followed the gravel road while my vision became blurry, I could hardly see because of all the crying, and my eyes were swollen. My throat was dry and the more I walked, the weaker my body became.

My legs felt like jelly and my head was pounding from the terrible headache that I had, I felt lightheaded and a few seconds later, I was on the ground. I knew why this was happening, I was hungry, exhausted, and sleep-deprived. I stared at the cloudy sky as laid on the ground, I didn't want to live anymore, not without Raven. Life was cruel, first, I lost my biological parents, got adopted into this messy household of rich but wretched people, and now my Raven was gone, she left me just like everyone else. Was it because I didn't deserve any happiness?

Maybe I was the problem, maybe I was cursed after all. A miserable groan escaped my lips and I turned over to my other side as it started raining. It was getting pitch black and the rain made the wet ground I was sleeping on to be colder than it already was. I gathered my strength and sat up, rubbing my muddy hair then pulling my legs to my chest. I was freezing but the cold I felt inside was nothing compared to the cold in my heart, it was as if Raven was the fire to my soul and when she died, she took the warmth with her.

I saw a car from a distance, I was still sitting in the middle of the road, the car was nearing me and I sat there looking at it. I was hoping with everything in me that the car would just run me over so that my suffering could end but unfortunately, it stopped a few inches from me and the doors opened revealing my parents.

"Dear lord, Hunter! we have been looking for you everywhere, what are you doing in the middle of nowhere?" Mother asked but I just stared at her, I didn't feel like responding, I was tired. She was probably just worried that people would gossip and spread fake news that the Jones' only son had gone mad.

"And, oh my lord, you look filthy!" She shouted again, I was about to answer her but my father beat me to it. "His girlfriend was put to rest today, Hayle. dont you know?" he asked. "I know but that doesn't explain why he looks like he was also buried," she said nonchalantly.

Father looked at her with shock and disappointment, then he walked to me and helped me get up, I could barely stand on my own, so he helped me get into the car, the two of them sat in front while I sat behind, they exchanged a few words and soon the car started moving. I watched the dark road through the window hoping to be distracted by the landscapes but the darkness only reminded me of how alone I was. It reminded me that the light which used to shine in my life was no more and now, all I had was this darkness, outside and within. It was dark.


Arriving at home, I got out of the car, my father ran to me so that he would support me while I walked but I pushed his hand away and entered the enormous mansion that was our house. The workers looked at me pitifully but I disregarded them and went straight to my room. I got into the shower and just stood there while the water washed over me. I wished it would take the pain along with the dirt but the pain I felt right now was tattooed to my mind and in every fiber of my being, I didn't have hope of ever feeling better.

I violently scrubbed my hair and skin, I didn't want to cry but my chest felt heavy and my eyes stang, switching off the water, I stepped out of the bathroom and dried myself. Putting on some clothes I walked out of my room and headed for the kitchen, I needed to eat something before I passed out.

Mother offered me something to eat and even though I didn't feel like eating, I grabbed it from her. Sitting on the kitchen island I slowly ate the food to get some strength. Father walked to me and massaged my head.

"It's going to be okay son, I was happy whenever I saw you with that girl, she always brought out the best in you, she made you so happy, and am really sorry that she's no more but you need to get back up on your feet, you are a man Hunter, you cant cry all day and night, life must go on with or without Raven. weather you like it or not," father said to me and I pushed his hand off my head at the impact of his words.

"You can't moan a dead person forever, young man. She was just your high school sweetheart and am sure you'll find someone who is more beautiful and healthy," mother added thoughtlessly.

I didn't want to talk to them before because I was afraid of saying something that would hurt their feelings but now they had crossed all boundaries. "The two of you are the worst parents ever," I said with anger, "I can't believe you can be so insensitive, is this a jock to you? do you think it's easy to forget the only person that showed me love when the only thing you cared about was yourselves?"

"Mother you are supposed to be the glue that brings this family together but ever since I can remember you have been nothing but selfish and inconsiderate. You honestly make me sick, both of you."

They looked at me with shocked and wounded expressions but I got out of the room before any of them could even say anything. Entering my bedroom, I dropped my body on the bed and closed my eyes, I wanted to sleep, to be far from reality. I wanted to dream of Raven, to see her even if it was just a glimpse of her, I would have given anything to spend one last day with her. Father was wrong it's never going to be okay.

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