Chapter 4

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Katlyn's P.O.V

I groaned in frustration while I ran to get more empty cans for the licking ceiling. The abandoned house that I used as the shelter was getting more and more unstable with each passing day and the rain season just added to the problems. I fished setting up the cans and went to my bag to get something to eat.

Opening the old bag, I check for anything to eat but I found nothing, cursing myself for not remembering to get food. I put the bag away and grabbed my jacket, ready to go out in search of something to eat. Coming out of the shelter I looked around before I started running to the market. I had no money on me, I had nothing but the hunger I felt would kill me if I decided to ignore it.

It was times like these that I hated being a street kid. Growing up with no parents, relatives or friends was hard. At a young age, I learned how to survive on my own, I did everything by myself because I knew that no one would do it for me. I never begged though, no matter how hungry and helpless I was, I never begged. I was a street kid, a homeless teenager but I wasn't a beggar.

Running faster in the rain I stopped by the bus station, if I was lucky, I would be able to steal one or two wallets and get myself some food. I walked swiftly as the people around me rushed to their different destinations. I saw a man carrying bags of groceries and he looked rich, walking towards him, I put on one of my charming smiles. He smiled back at me and stopped when he saw me approaching him.

"Good evening sir," I said to him. "Good evening young lady!" The overly excited man said with a smile that was so genuine, I felt sorry for what I was about to do. "Can I help you with the bags?" I asked him and he tried to refuse but I convinced him. He showed me where his car was and soon, I was carrying some of his groceries and following behind him. My plan was to run away with the bags of food but that changed when I saw his car from afar.

I put my leg in front of him and he fell to the ground, I made sure to run to him and help him back up, and in the process, I was able to pick in his pockets and get everything that was there. I put the things in my pocket immediately without him noticing, he said thank you, completely unaware that I was the one who made him fall. We got to the car and I helped him put the things inside, he offered to give me a ride home but I refused, saying that I had a few errands to run.

Upon saying bye to the man, I walked away and went to check the things that I had stolen. Moving to the back of a restaurant, I got the things out and let out a sound of relief when I saw the wallet, necklace, and gum. I opened the wallet and found more money than I had expected, enough money to help throughout the week.

Looking further in the wallet I found i small picture of a boy who looked five years old, he had nice eyes and a wide smile on his face while he was holding an ice cream con with his hand. I found myself smiling at the tiny picture of the adorable little boy who almost looked like an angel. I wondered if he was that man's son because he looked nothing like him, he was his nephew. I got the necklace and put it back into my pocket together with the money. I wanted to throw the wallet away just like I always did when I stole from someone but I decided against that idea, turning the picture around I saw the name, "Hunter" written in broad letters, it was probably the little boy's name.

Putting the photo back in the wallet I went to look for food, now that I had money. I went to buy warm-cooked food, it had been months since I had a decent meal and I couldn't wait to dig in. I mostly survived on bread and water, no wonder my body was so skinny and my skin was pale. I speed walked to my shelter, carrying the food I had bought and other necessities including a lamp because it got really dark sometimes in that creepy house.

I walked inside and closed the door behind me, putting an old sofa at the old door because it never really closed completely. Sometimes I wondered how it was possible that I was still alive because my life was at risk, each and every day. Leaving in this place was a huge risk especially because I was female, anyone and anything could come and attack me.

I remembered the kind man that I stole from earlier and I felt bad. I never liked stealing from people, I hated it with every fiber of m being but I didn't have any other option. It was either i stole from people or I starved to death. That man probably had a wife and children to take care of, people who depended on him. I hit the wall in frustration and let out a cry when my fingers felt like they broke. So much for being tough. 


I woke up earlier than usual today because my back was killing me, as sleeping on the cold floor was not enough, the water from the rain made it moist and it made sleeping feel like hell on earth. I got up and ate some of the food that was left from yesterday, when I was content, I put everything back where it was supposed to be and headed out. I hated spending time in the shelter, it was really creepy and quietness made me feel more alone than I already was.

Walking out, dressed in the same clothes as yesterday, I went to see Pett. He was an old man who loved me like a father, he sold ice cream in his small ice cream truck and he was always happy whenever I went to see him. One thing I realized while living on the streets was, not everyone was bad, good people still existed and Pett was one of them.

His truck was far from my shelter but I didn't let the distance become a barrier, I walked there with the thought of visiting my old friend. As I walked on the main road, I saw pupils of different age groups going to school, I looked at them and tried to imagine myself with a school inform, walking with friends and chatting, knowing I left two beautiful parents at home who loved and cared for me. I tried to imagine a life were i slept on a comfortable bed, in a house, with good food, and surrounded by people who loved me. 

All I ever wanted was a place to call home, a family to call my own, and a life where I didn't have to steal from good people to survive, was that too much to ask. I wanted an education, to learn and know knew things, to go to college and have nice carrier, I wanted someone to take care of me for a change because sometimes I got tired, tired of being strong and having to constantly fight to survive, I was only eighteen, I needed a break from all this.

I didn't even know how long I had walked until I saw Pett's ice cream truck, I walked faster but stood at a distance when I saw two huge men trying to intimidate old Pett. I could see from a distance that those people were bad and up to no good, so I ran to my friend and tried to help him. 

Just us the tall, huge man raised his hand to slap Pett, I held it and dug my nails in his flesh. He let out a loud cry at the impact while Pett tried to get me to leave the man alone. I did as he said but not before digging deeper. "Am sorry please, she's just a child," Pett said sounding scared. I didn't understand why he was so afraid of the men but before i could ask, the man i had attacked said something really disturbing.

"Next time we'll make sure to finish our job," he said and they both went away. I looked around and saw people staring at us, it made sense now, the men where probably scared of the mob around to cause any more trouble. I looked at Pett who didn't look relieved in any way, wondering what he got himself into this time.

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