Chapter 7

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Katlyn's P.O.V

Picture Of Katlyn Above

I turned to my side with the hopes of relieving my back from the horrible impact that the hard floor had on it. After mercilessly killing Pett, the vile men brought me into this hell hole where I met Doctor Mary, the master behind all this. I knew people were wicked but that woman was the devil.

She kidnapped me and everyone who was in this room because we were related to supernatural beings. Her aim was to terminate anyone who was even remotely associated with people like Pett. She called them monsters and dedicated her life to kill them all. I never believed in the existence of shapeshifters or werecreatures, I didn't even know that Pett was one even after spending such a long time with him. One thing I knew for sure was that Doctor Mary's perspective was wrong, Pett was a nice person and he was kind, he treated everyone with respect and love. He did not deserve to die like a dog, and he was more human than her because he would never inflict such pain on anyone.

I stared at the nothingness as I thought about all this, the smell of dead bodies no longer choked me now, but I was still not used. In all my years on the street, I had never encountered such ruthless treatment, torment, and suffering, my miserable life felt like paradise compared to what I was going through here.

Being locked up in the same room with dead bodies, decomposing bodies of people who had families and loved ones out there, families that were looking forward to their safe return not knowing that they were dead. At this point I just wished that I could cry like any other normal person, I wished that I could scream and let the pain out, the pain of losing my Pett. Seeing his life being taken away right before my eyes, the image made my insides twist and my heart heavy.

Since childhood, I had not been able to cry, I could feel pain but tears never left my eyes so I never really knew how to deal with feelings. Everything I felt was bottled up, I never had a way to vent my anger, as a result, I always felt the pain more. I sat up against the cold war and let out a groan at the painful collision that the chains around my legs had. It was like every time I tried to move my legs, the chains were cutting my flesh.

I dug my hand inside the pocket of my shots and realized that I still had the necklace and the baby picture from the day I stole from that man, it was too dark for me to see the adorable baby in the small photo but I still smiled at the memory of how that happy baby looked.

Since these people brought me here, I had lost track of time, I didn't know if it were weeks or months that had passed, and honestly, I did not care because deep down I knew that there was no one out there who was waiting for me. There was no one out there who was expecting me to come back, I was alone and the only person who ever loved me, the only person who filled the void of not having a family was gone and I couldn't do anything to help him.

I felt so small, so insignificant, and helpless. Pett always taught me to be strong and believe in myself but at this moment I wanted nothing more than for all this to just end, I wondered why that doctor didn't just kill me once and for all. I have always been strong but there comes a time when you fade to the darkness.

As those thoughts kept running through my mind, I remembered what Pett always told me whenever I was sad or frustrated. "Breath, be grateful to be alive," he always told me these words and I listened to him every time. I said those words softly while I took slow and steady breaths, I repeated the words just like a mantra.

The room had become quieter and quieter with each passing day as people died from starvation and cruel inhuman treatment. The ones who were alive were too weak at this point to even fight for their lives, I on the other hand was quite the opposite. Although I was injured and weak, I still had the strength to fight back but that was not enough. If I wanted to get out of this place, I needed as much help as I could get.


As I slept on the hard floor, I heard footsteps and deep voices, I soon recognized one of the voices to be Dante's. Before I could even sit up, the door opened and light invaded my eyes. The two men walked in with a body of a young, African descent lady, they dropped the body just beside me and started talking about how smelly the room was. I looked at the young lady's face, she was obviously still in her late teens. I couldn't get my eyes off her face as she laid there unconsciously. Her skin was so nice and with a rich brown color almost like mine.

Dante saw me staring at her and pulled me by the hair, "don't try anything stupid!" He said harshly and slapped my head on the floor. He tried to grab me again but I used my free hand to squeeze his member, he tried to pull out of my grip but I only squeezed harder. The other man hit me with something that finally made me let go.

Holding the sport behind my head that was hit, I realized that it was bleeding, my head felt like it would explode at the impact of what that man did to me. They let out all sorts of insults as they left the room, I took one last glance at the young lady and my heart almost dropped when I saw how battered and bruised she was. Her hands were so swollen that I couldn't even imagine the pain that awaited her when she finally woke up.

The door closed and it was dark again, I sat back and tried to nurse the new injury that I got because as usual, I didn't stay in my lane and I overreacted. I needed to start working on my patience or I would die sooner than expected. Pett always told me that patience is virtual and that I needed to know how to act when I am faced with difficult situations.

The young girl groaned loudly before she suddenly sat up, "where am I?" she asked herself repeatedly while she panicked. "Calm down," I said to her but she didn't listen, so I let her moan in peace. She kept on crying and saying "Liam," I didn't know anything about her but I was sure that this "Liam," was very important to her.

She tried to move but she couldn't because her legs were chained to a metal bar. She kicked her legs aggressively and ended up crying when the chains cut through her flesh. "Been there," I said to myself and watched her struggle. "Stop doing that, you'll hurt yourself even more. These chains are old and rusty, unless you want lose your legs I would stop moving if I were you." She stopped what she was doing and just started crying, still calling Liam.

"Clouds can't cover the sun for a long time," Pett always said, at this point I wanted to believe all those words of encouragement and motivation, but I just couldn't. I was tired and I had been through enough, it was clear that I was one of the most unluckiest people to ever walk the earth. When I thought things couldn't get any worse, I was proven wrong.

My body felt like it would break with just one more push, my head was pounding and bleeding the whole time. My legs where sore and the chains kept on peeling my skin off, the pain that I was feeling was indescribable. It felt like the agony multiplied with each passing second and I wanted nothing more than to just cry and let it all out but I couldn't. I tried to force myself into shading tears but all I could feel was an aching heart. The anger and bitterness just built up in me as usual, it was the only thing I could feel after all.

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