Chapter 5

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Katlyn's P.O.V

After those men left and everyone who came to help my old man and I returned to mind their own business, I didn't waste any time and asked who the strange men were. He was stuttering and still looked afraid so I decided to leave the matter alone for now. Pett was like a father to me so if there was anything or anyone who made him feel uncomfortable or threatened, I had the right to know who it was.

"Come on little Katlyn, don't look at me like that. Those people will not return after the scare you have given them." He said with a genuine smile, I wanted to believe him and trust his words but I also knew him very well. If those people were a threat or dangerous in any way, then he most definitely would not want me to get involved but knowing the person that I am, I would do anything to find out what was going on. For the safety of my old friend and satisfaction of my own curiosity.

The day at Pett's truck had been amazing as usual, I had a lot of nice food and so much ice cream that I started feeling sick. He always pampered me so much sometimes I wondered if that was how it felt to have a real father, Pett was the closest person in my life, he was the only person. He was kind and loved me very much as if I was his own, he even offered to take me in but I refused to burden him, he had enough problems and I didn't want to add more.

I was walking to my shelter from Pett's truck and it was late at night, I kept on feeling like someone was following, turning back I didn't see anyone keeping an eye on me or following me, it was a busy road and it looked like everyone was rushing to retire to their homes. Their family members were probably waiting for them and excited for their arrival, while I was going to an old house that was far from the city, with no family or friends waiting for me. I was going back to an empty shelter with no power, proper clothes, or food. 

I started walking faster when I approached the familiar isolated path that led to my shelter, the feeling of someone following me was still there. I didn't know if I was just paranoid or if what I felt was real. Deciding on the only thing I knew best, I ran. If whoever was following me wanted to hurt me, they would have done that already but if they were following me quietly, that meant they wanted me to lead them to where I was staying.

I ran as fast as I could and made sure to take a lot of shortcuts until I arrived at my house. I went inside and quickly locked the door. This could only mean one thing, old Pett was in serious danger. I paced around the shelter as my anxiety started getting the best of me, I was never an impatient person, everything I did was always calculated. I was strong and a survivor but the fact that Pett was in danger and alone made me feel restless, and as if that was not enough, whoever wanted to hurt him was after me as well

I  sat down on the floor near my bag and tried to calm down, I had to think rationally because my friend needed me right now. I was no good if I kept panicking like a crazy woman. I couldn't go back to him because I was not sure if the person who was following me was still there.

I drunk some water and decided to sleep, I was going to see Pett first thing tomorrow morning, and I needed to have enough rest. I had a bad feeling about tomorrow, I could only pray that Pett was okay.


Waking at the break of dawn, and cleaned myself. I decided to get something to eat but opening the leftover food, I found that it had already gone bad. Cursing myself internally, I opened the door and walked out. After moving for a few seconds, I felt something in my chest that I couldn't explain, I felt like I had left something behind so I went back inside.

I looked at my things wondered what I could have possibly left behind, I didn't own anything of value most of my things were just junk, to be honest, I was about to leave when I saw the wallet that I had stolen the other day. I took the fancy but weird necklace and put it on then I got the tiny picture of little Hunter and put it inside my jacket. The small boy on the tiny picture always made me smile but I had no clue as to why that happened.

Looking around at my shelter one last time, I walked away. I didn't know why I felt like I was going on a journey of no return, deep down in my heart I knew that this would not end well, my only prayer was that however this was going to end, Pett would be okay.

I walked to Pett's house this time and not his truck. I knew that he was probably there because it was too early. On my way to his house, I thought about those people and what they wanted from that old men. He was peacefully and kind to everyone, he gave and cared for the less privileged. He always told me that the only way to know God was to love many things. I smiled at the memory but my smile dropped when an important thought came to my mind.

His wife and two of his daughters were killed according to what he told me, and those people were the ones who killed his family then Pett was in much more danger than I had thought. I ran to his house at full speed with only one goal, to save him.

Reaching the small house I walked slowly but there was no one, I looked around the place but I couldn't see him anywhere but the door to his house was wide open. I quickly walked in and gasped when I saw Bunny his cat on the floor, lifeless with a dagger pierced through his stomach. My eyes widened and I started panicking, searching the small house but there was still no sign of my old man. As I was about to enter his bedroom, I heard a loud scream from behind the house and rushed out to see what was happening.

Upon reaching the back of the house, my eyes immediately landed on Pett who was on the ground and surrounded by a lot of men who were dressed in white. Everyone was now looking at me as I stood there in shock. "Don't hurt her please!" Pett said between sobs as he tried to get up but failed. Ignoring all the men I ran to him and held him, he tried to tell me to run but I didn't listen.

After everything that he had done for me, after loving me like his own daughter, I was not going to leave him here with the people who wanted to kill him. "How adorable," the ugly, tall man in white said with an evil smile. I stood up and spit on his face, he grabbed me by my neck and threw me to the ground, as if awakening the beast inside of me, I stood back up whole Pett begged for me to just run and leave the man alone. I kicked him in the nuts and watched as cried in agony.

Soon all the shameless men approached me and started brutally hitting me, I fought back with everything in me but I was outnumbered. When they finally let go of me, I felt so much pain that I couldn't move, I was on the ground looking straight into Pett's brown eyes, he moved closer to me with difficulty and grabbed my hand.

"I want you to trust me, know that I love you very much and I know that you are a survivor, you will make it. My Katlyn, I am a proud father, and friend and I want you to always remember that I am with you in spirit forever. Never stop. Never stop fighting. Never stop dreaming."

With that said and before my very eyes, he turned into a wolf. Yes, Pett turned into a wolf and lunched at the men who tried to kill him, I watched helplessly as he fought the horrible men and bite them mercilessly. The man I had hit earlier got a dagger and I tried to warn Pett but he didn't listen and soon the dagger was in his chest. He let out a loud and painful growl as he fell to the ground. My eyes widened and my heart stopped beating for a second.

I cried and held his wolf form in my arms as he breathed his last breath. He was gone, and the next thing I saw was a man walking towards me and covering my nose with a white cloth. My vision became blurry and I soon started drifting into unconsciousness. My Pett was gone!

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