Chapter 6

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Hunters P.O.V

Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, slowly but surely I started living like a normal person. I no longer cried myself to sleep or hurt myself whenever I had the chance. Physically I looked okay but deep down I was still a mess, Raven's death still made my heartache, and the love that I felt for her never withered.

After breaking down in front of Marshall, I made a decision, I didn't want to be weak any longer. I was going to bottle up my emotions and hide what I felt from the world, I knew that I would never get over her, not even time would be able to heal me, I was hopeless. I pushed my head back and stared at the ceiling, Marshall was out and I was home alone. My phone rang and I forced myself to stand and pick it up.

I checked who it was and saw that it was my mother. I had been ignoring her calls for months but she never stopped calling. Debating with myself, I finally decided to answer her. "Hello, Hunter, my love," she whispered and I could hear her voice breaking, she was probably surprised that I had answered her calls. I kept quiet and listened to what she wanted to say.

"Am really happy that you have answered me, Hunter. I know you hate me and find me repulsive, I do not blame you for that because I know that I deserve your hatred and bitterness." She posed and I decided to respond. "Mother, not this again please, I am not in the mood for your lies and fake love," I said with frustration. "I am your mother Hunter, I have raised you and seen you grow, I have always wanted the best for you, it hurts me to hear such words coming from my son, please forgive me, my boy," she said between sobs.

"I don't hate you mother, I am angry with you but I don't hate you," I said forcing the words out of my mouth, I wanted to tell her that I loved her dearly and she would always be my mother no matter what but I couldn't. I couldn't get those words out of my mouth. "Does that mean you have forgiven me?" She asked hopefully in a pleading voice. "I have tried, I have tried to forgive you but I just can't. Maybe one day," I told her and I could hear her breathing heavily before she hung up.

I couldn't understand why it was so hard for me to forgive her, how was it possible to love someone so much but not enough to overlook their wrongdoings? I threw my phone on the bed and I heard the door open. Walking out of my room, I saw Marshall dropping the groceries with an angry expression. "What crowed up your bottom and died," I asked sarcastically and he glared at me, I raised my hands in surrender, and sat down while I waited for him to speak.

I almost passed out from laughing as he explained how a charming young girl robbed him while pretending to help me with his groceries. "Am not upset that she stole from me, it's just that the wallet had your adorable baby picture and the necklace you bought for me when you were young," he said dropping his hands like a child.

"Uncle Marshall, you and I know that I hated that picture and I can get you another necklace anytime, that's not a big deal." I told him, "Hunter, firstly never call me your uncle again, it makes me feel old, secondly those things are special to me and I will do everything in my power to get them back."

I shook my head and gave up on trying to convince the old man, Marshall was very sentimental when it came to presents, he sometimes reminded me of Heather. Checking what he bought I saw everything that I asked him to buy for me. "I don't think what you have been doing is healthy," Marshall started and I continued searching through the bags. "What do you mean?" I asked while looking at him, "You are getting better now, and am proud of you but you are also developing an obsessive disorder. Hunter, you sit around all day reading Raven's favourite book, watching her favourite shows, eating her favourite food and listening to her favourite songs." he said softly.

"There is nothing normal with your behaviour and it is very worrying, this house has Raven's pictures everywhere, you are a slave to her memories and you are not doing anything to help yourself," he declared. I looked at him and put the food in the freezer, I didn't know what to say or how to react, he was right and we both knew that. He looked at me hoping for a response but I kept quiet, I knew that what I was doing was not okay but it always made me feel like I was closer to Raven, whenever I did the things she that she loved. I wanted to tell Marshall this but I didn't, I knew he wouldn't judge me no matter what but I just didn't feel like explaining myself.

"Am going for a walk," I told him after a couple of minutes. "Am coming with you!" he yelled and ran towards me. Getting out of the house, we stood on the front porch and felt the chilly breeze, realizing how cold it really was outside. "Let's change to warm clothes," he said and I groaned in frustration, going back inside we both headed to our bedrooms to change, I put some comfortable pants on and a hoody. As I was about to leave the bedroom, I glanced back and saw my phone on the bed, I wanted to leave it because no one ever called me except for my mother and father, who I constantly ignored, obviously.

After looking at it for longer than necessary, I decided to just get it, Marshall called for me to hurry up and I jogged out of the house. I found him standing by the door and he locked it, as soon as I stepped out. He smiled at me and I just rolled my eyes and started walking. "You were a happy child, you know," he said and I muttered an insult under my breath, he heard it and punched my arm. I let out a loud cry and we soon started talking and laughing about silly things.

The laughter had died out and we walked in comfortable silence, enjoying each others company. Marshall always made things easier, when I was with him I forgot about my problems and just enjoyed being around a fatherly figure. My father hated him because he knew the relationship we had, Marshall was special to me and I adored him. I wouldn't tell him that though.

We walked deeper in the woods and made small talk, cherishing and reminiscing on past days when things were easier, life was better, and I had a purpose to live. It was getting darker so we decided to turn and head back home. Just as I was about to follow after Marshall, my phone rang. I stared at it and wondered who it was, too curious to miss the call, I answered it.

"Hello?" I said but there was no response on the other end, it's just a prank, I told myself and decided to hang up. As I was about to cut the call, I heard a familiar voice, It was Liam's voice. "Hunter...I need... Help, Hunter!" He yelled from the other end, the line was breaking and I couldn't hear what he was saying. I tried calling back but the line did not go through, I tried and tried but all to no avail.

"What are you still doing there!" Marshall shouted and I ran to him, he kept on talking but I didn't pay attention to anything that he was saying. I was worried about Liam and I wondered what he had gotten himself into, Liam was a nice and cheerful guy but he was also a wendigo. I learnt that from Raven, a year ago, at first I was afraid of him but I soon got to know the real Liam and he was the sweetest guy ever.

If someone like Liam who was a supernatural being, needed my help then things were probably very bad. I wanted to tell Marshall but I couldn't because that meant I would have to expose who Liam really was and that was a risk, I wasn't willing to take. I was going to help him though, no matter what it took. I had nothing to lose after all.

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