Chapter 02 ▴ The Oracle (Part 2)

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A light breeze blew on Amelia's face as she and Athena strode out of the warehouse

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A light breeze blew on Amelia's face as she and Athena strode out of the warehouse. The chilly weather was perfect for sleeping, which Amelia so desperately craved at this point, but couldn't. Not with Athena holding the gun she took from the two men they left at the warehouse.

She gazed warily at the pistol. Did she even know how to use that thing? She probably did. If she didn't, she wouldn't be so confident pointing it around like a flashlight.

"Why did you do that?" Amelia blurted.

Athena glanced at her. "Do what?"

"Uh, hello? The daggers? The sudden attack?" Amelia frowned. "Y-you just killed someone like it was nothing! You didn't have to go that far!"

"Are you even listening to yourself?" she asked. "Those men were about to hurt the boy, whether he was the Oracle or not. You should be thankful I stopped them in time."

They continued to walk to their car. Amelia hoped that the boy didn't go far so they could catch him and get some answers. She couldn't wait for the night to be over.

"Did you even know that the Oracle is a kid?" Amelia asked. "I imagined him to be. . . older. A lot older."

"To be honest, I thought the same too," Athena said, sighing. "How could I know? Rhea's emails never mentioned the Oracle's age, or at least hinted at it. I suppose this means I won't get the answers I need from him."

Amelia pursed her lips in thought. "But it's weird. . . How would someone as young as him get involved in the black market? Why would he even get involved?"

"Because it pays way more than normal jobs, obviously."

From the shadows of the shipping cargo around them appeared the Oracle. He stood beside the car, his slender arms raised in surrender. In instinct, Athena aimed the gun at the intruder.

"Hey, don't shoot," the Oracle said. "I'm not gonna do anything funny."

Athena didn't lower the gun. "What are you doing here? And what do you want?"

"Well, I wanted to thank you guys for saving me back there," he said. "Those bastards were really nasty. I was gonna tell them where their goods were but they didn't give their end of the deal. What a bunch of idiots."

The two girls exchanged a glance before looking back at the boy. Athena stepped forward to the Oracle, the gun still pointed at him.

"Move away from the car," she ordered. "No sudden movements or you'll get it."

"Okay, okay. . ." The Oracle took several steps to the front side of the car, gravel crunching under his feet. "Look, I'm walking."

"Stop right there," Athena said. He paused between the car's two headlights. If someone were inside the vehicle and drove at a fast speed, they would be able to hit him dead.

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