Chapter - VI

13 11 2

            Before I love you, I m gonna leave you. Before I m someone you leave behind, I'll break your heart so you don't break mine.
                   ~ Takeaway Chainsmokers (Illenium, Lenon Stella ft)

          |•T R Y S T A N'S  P O V•|

It was 12 at midnight and I was writing notes. I started it with neat and tidy ones but then I don't know why it's now almost illegible. Almost.

I rest my head on my hands and lie on the notes. Ariadne. I, for a fact knew these pests were annoying but she, this is to another extent. I want to rip her peity fragile neck. I don't know whether she is starving or it's just a very fast metabolism but she has a nice figure. Not my type though.

I sigh and close the notes. The feeling of contentment is sure addicting. The full moon shone it's line through the curtains. Just wait, Dear Adriane.

The blarring alarm cut through the silence. I take a look at it. 3:45am. I rub my eyes and walk in to bathroom. I brush and go to the grounds to find some of the packs working out. I rans few laps and worked out until 5. I got into the shower. A nice cold shower on a spring season. The water hit my body as I get drowned in my thoughts.

The Other werewolves are almost on my side except a few. And according to Ryder, after the schedules changed, there wasn't any attack. This means only one thing : There is a mole in here.

I walk out and pull out the files of the unit guarding the border. I go through each and every single one. Some may say it's waste of time but I think otherwise. You have to know how strong the materials and what the materials are to build a strong empire.

After the breakfast, Ryan drives us to the school. I have to ward of these three who are obsessed being friends with her for god knows why. I look outside the car in deep thought. Oh wait a min. I got a idea.

After we reach the school, I ask Will to call Ryder, which he has to do, not urgent but a reason to get him late. I turn towards Ash and Ryan and ask them to bring Kal. Kal, wasn't lost or something. He was already in the class waiting for me, after placing notes on her table. He kind of know the plan. He loves drama too much to do otherwise.

I sit beside Kal as my eyes fall over her empty desk. "She's not here yet. Probably running late" Kal said as he turned towards me. "How did it go?" He asked enthusiastically.

After sending the three away, I went to the staffs room and called out the Ms.Terry and told her someone has punctured her car. She went out to check it and on her way back, her clothes were soiled and even her extra clothes were soiled. With extreme OCD, she decided to go home to change her clothes meanwhile I casually ask Mr. Falcon about Ms. Terry's absence.

Being a test enthusiast he is, he  smiled widely and went to print the pop up quiz sheets. With a smile of victory, I return back to class. Kal gave me a thumbs up. A familiar strawberries and human scent fill my nostrils and I look up to find Ariadne. The man of the show. Or the woman.

I watch her actions intently, from her being suspicious and then becoming unbothered. She turns towards me and our eyes made contact. Visible frown marred her face. She doesn't usually have her heart up to her sleeve but she made sure that every single time our eyes made contact, she showed her disdain and hostility.

I look away from her and listen to Kal's talks. After few minutes, Mr. Falcon enters making the whole class tense up. With a time limit given, my eyes once again fall back to her. She was learning as I smirked to myself.

I completed the quiz faster than everyone and placed in on his table and walked out of the class. Few minutes later, students come out one by one. I scroll through my phone to find anything interesting but as usual there is none. Of course, with only default apps such as Camera, photos etc,. in it there would be no use. All the social medias are exhausting and time consuming which I don't want.

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