Chapter 2

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So I'm out going shopping today and I decide to look if anyone has read my book and there is 2 READS!!! WHAT.thank you so much to the them people. Then I decide  go on now to write more and there is now 4 READS!! thank you so much I know it's only 4 people but it means a lot. Anyway back to the story.

(George POV)

George wakes up and smells food down the corridor. It smells like bacon,eggs and toast. He go to the wardrobe and get a pair of joggers and a plain black T-shirt. Just as he finishes putting his socks on he heard a knock ok the door. "Come in," he said wondering who it could be. "Dream what's you to come down for breakfast. It's bacon,eggs and toast," said one of dreams maids. "Okay, thank you," George said with a smile on his face. George and the maid walk toward the dining room.George notices that Dream is already eating his breakfast and has his mask pulled up only so you can see the bottom half of his face. His lips were soft and were a rose pink. George wondered what it would be like to kiss them. No why am I thinking this? This man kidnapped me and knocked me out. But he was comforting me when I was upset yesterday. You wouldn't do that if you kidnapped someone,you would just take them to a room and leave them and you wouldn't even speak to them. But he didn't. He stayed with me and made sure I was okay,he was unsure if I liked the room and sounded panicked if I didn't like. But why, I'm sure I'm just over thinking this. George sits down and starts to eat his breakfast. "So did you sleep alright, if not then I could get you mor pillows or blankets?" Dream asked George with a conserved tone. "It was good and thank you but I don't need anymore pillows or blankets. This food is delicious!" George said wiping his face with a napkin. "Yeah our chef always cooks great meals,I have some things to talk to you about as well just so you don't get hurt," Dream said with a calm but serious manor. "Ohh,what about?" George asked. "If your going to be staying here then we need to make some rules and maybe you could be useful to the group," Dream said finishing his food and going to clean it up. "Ohh what rules and what do u mean by group?" George said concerned. "Ohh I forgot to say, I am the leader of one of the most dangerous mafias and when we take people in we make rules and see if they could be useful to the mafia like if they can fight,are good with a bow, can throw knives and other things," Dream said putting his dish on a drying rack. "Ohh well I don't know if I'll be useful for anything but I can try, it's not like I have important things to do else were," George said finishing his food and taking his dish to the sink to clean it. "Well rule one, don't go on floor -1 without me, rule two don't leave your room unless one of my maids comes and gets you or if I do, rule three you can't talk to anyone other then me or my maids" before could say anything else George cuts him off "Can I still talk to Karl?" George asks hoping that he can since Karl need to get the tablets for George. "Yeah you can talk to Karl since I sent him down to you and rule four DONT leave the mansion without me with you," "Okay,is that it on the rules or are there more?" George asked making sure that he understood everything Dream said. "One more, don't talk back to me," Dream said walking over to George. "Umm I'll have to think about that one,I don't really like it," George said with a smirk on his face. "Whatever, follow me we are going to see what your skill is," Dream said heading toward the end of the corridor. "I don't think I have a skill so don't get your hopes up," "That what they all say then there is one ring that their really good at that they didn't know they could do, for example Wilburs skill is parkour,Sapnap's is using a gun,Karl and Quackity's  is hacking computers,"Dream said pressing the -1 button on the elevator. "How many people are in your mafia?" George asked examining the elevator. "We have 8 including me,we have Wilbur, Sapnap, Karl, Quackity, Tommy,  Ranboo and Tubbo and if you join then it will be 9,"Dream said exiting the elevator into a training room. "What is this!" "This is my training room,this is were we practice if we want to improve our skills,and we are going to see what your skill is and if you don't have a talent with fighting then we can see if you have a talent with distracting then coding and hacking if not then at least show you has to defend yourself," Dream said picking up a dagger. "What am I doing first?" George said hoping that Dream wasn't going t stab his or throw that dagger at him. "Well let's see if you can kick well, try and kick me," Dream said rolling his sleeves up and getting into a fighting stance. George goes to kick him but Dream doges then swoops George off of his feet. "We're you even trying to kick me? Or were you just playing around?" Dream asks helping George off the floor. "I was just messing around but I didn't know that you could do that, could you teach me to do that?" George asked shocked that Dream could do that easily. "Later but do that you actually try and kick me why don't every time that you kick me and I don't block it i tell you about myself and every time that I block it you tell me about yourself,deal?" Dream asked trying to get George to actually try kick him. "Sure that sounds okay then I get to you and trust you more," "Try and kick me again but try this time," Dream says getting into a fighting stance. George stands there for a minute and thinks about how he can surprise attack Dream without him blocking. Maybe if I jump and kick,no he is tall so he can block it wit his arm,what about I'd I go low maybe that could work. "George are you going to try kick me or-" Dream was quickly cut off by George kicking dreams leg. "Wow you actually kicked me,and I didn't expect it.I guess I have to tell you something about me then?" Dream said adjusting his mask. "Yeah you do,I didn't think that I would kick you and you not expect it!" George said proud of himself. "Well I lost my parents when I was 14 because they were in a car crash." "I'm sorry about your loss"George said looking down at the floor. "Don't worry about it,I think we should do archery next,I this you'll be good at it," Dream said making his way over to the archery wall.George followed still looking at the floor. "Have you held a bow before?" Dream asked looking at George then looking at the bow. "No not really," "you stand facing to the left if your left handed and right if your right handed then your non-dominant hand holds the bow and your dominant hand holds the arrow,then you pull the string back behind your ear but then you this," Dream shows George how to hold the bow then he shoots and it lands on bullseye. "Wow your good,"George says shocked at how Dream got bullseye first time. "You try,it's easy," Dream gives George the bow.George holds the bow correctly pulls the arrow back and shoots,he shot just to the right of the bullseye. "I nearly got bullseye!" George says happy that he did well first time. "See I told you that you have a skill,yours is archery, I think that's enough practice for one day,you did well." Dream says impressed that George did well in archery for his first time.George and Dream head back to the elevator. They leave the elevator and Dream walks George to his room. "You did well in archery," Dream said looking at George and how happy he was because he did well in archery. "George,I have something to show you,"Dream said looking at the ground. "What is it?" George asked confused.Dream reached for the back of his mask to undo the buckle,she took the mask off and showed George his face. George stared at Dream noticing every detail about him.his cheeks that had a tint of rose on them,his freckles,his dirty blonde hair and how it perfectly fell over his face without the mask on and when he saw that Dream was staring him in the eyes he started to blush. "You okay there George?Dream said confused when George was blushing. "Yeah I'm okay,it's just that I didn't think that you would show me your faces and that you look this good,"George said hiding his face so Dream could see him blush.Dream also hid his face because he was also blushing at George's reaction  "Anyway I should get going,"  Dream said walking down the corridor putting his mask back on trying to hide him blushing.

(Time skip)

George was listening to music through his headphones when he heard a knock on the door. "Come in," Karl comes in with the box of tablets. "Ohh thank you so much Karl," George says giving Karl a hug. "Uhh no problem,just happy I could help," Karl said hugging George back. "I'll let you do your thing,I'll speak to you in a bit George," Karl said waving to George. "Bye Karl," George said waving back. Why did I have to blush when I saw his face. Now he is probably think that I like him. Do I like him? Even if I did he won't like me back he's probably straight.

1785 words

I'm going to end it here. Sorry If the book got sloppy towards the end,I'm tired and writing is hard work. But thank you again for reading this I really do appreciate it. I hope you have a lovely day or night.

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