Chapter 4

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I'm writing a bit today bc it my bday tomorrow and I might not write for a couple of days but thank you for the reads it means a lot!!! Anyway on with the story.

TW:mention of drug's.

(George POV)

"I think so,"George replied with a shrug.
"You'll be fine,me and Karl will be there at all times," dream said walking past George to the door. They were walking to the living room and heard two people arguing over what sounded like who George would like the most. "He's gonna like me the most not you!" He heard someone yell. "Not If you loud like you always are!" He heard another person say. Dream and George walk into the living room seeing who's was arguing. "Shut up Wilbur your just jealous because I'm more pogchamp then you!" Said a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes with a red and white top.(can u guess who it is😏) "Tommy,Wilbur stop," Dream says catching everyone's attention. "Sorry Dream,Tommy thought it would be a good idea to bet who George would like the most," Wilbur said Walking over to Tubbo and Ranboo. "It's ok everyone, this is George. He might be joining the mafia," Dream said wrapping his arm around George. "Hi George," they all said at the same time. "I'm Sapnap," Sapnap said shaking George's hand. "I'm Quackity,nice to meet you," " I'm Ranboo," "hi I'm Tubbo," " I'm Tommy," "I'm Wilbur,nice to meet you George,". "You already know me and Karl so that's everyone," Dream said walking over to the others. "I thought that you might want to get to know us so we're gonna go round telling you something about us and if you want something about you," Karl said sitting on one of the couches next to Sapnap.( Btw Tommy,Tubbo and Ranboo are on a couch, Wilbur,Quackity,Sapnap and Karl are on a couch and then there is a couch for Dream and George).George walks over and sits next to Dream, whilst the others are debating who goes first. "I'll go first, I like the colour green and I like going on walks," Dream said pointing to Karl to go next. " I like the colour purple and I like gaming," Karl said pointing to Quackity. "I like the colour blue and I like drugs," "Quackity!you can't say that Sapnap said bursting out laughing," everyone else started laughing and Dream doing his tea kettle wheeze. "Anyway Wilbur you go next," Quackity calming down. " i like the colour brown and I like singing," Wilbur says pointing to Tubbo to go next. "I like the colour yellow and I like bee's," He says pointing to Ranboo to go next. "I like the colour black and white and I like m&ms," Ranboo says pointing to Tommy to go next. "I like the colour red and I like women,I think their poggers," Tommy said crossing his arm and tilting his head up,closing his eyes. "I like the colour blue and I like gaming as well," George says looking down at the floor,hoping no one notices that he's in heat. "Do you play Minecraft George?" Karl asks hoping that he does so they can play together. "Yeah actually I do,why?" " I do too we could play together sometime," Karl said with a huge smile on his face. "That sounds fun!" George said smiling at Karl. Dream was getting jealous that they would be spending more time with each other. "Hey I play too,you didn't think to ask me?" Dream said looking at Karl confused. "Ohh,I didn't know that you played,you can join if you want to?" Karl said looking at Dream shocked that he played Minecraft even though he is a mafia boss. "Anyway George do you want to join us for dinner?" Sapnap asked George trying to end that convocation. "Sure what are we having?" George asked looking at Sapnap. "We ordered pizza,we have loads of different types so don't worry about not liking any," Sapnap said trying to be friendly. "Let's go then or it's gonna get cold!" Tommy said running to the dining room.

746 words

I'm going to leave it there.I'm going to do more of this but I need ideas bc I haven't got many for this story.I hope you have a lovely day or plenty,drink plenty and get some sleep.

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