Chapter 11

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Hello people how have you been doin, it was George and Ranboo's birthday🥳

(Dream POV)

Dream heard the movement of someone or something next to him, he thought it was his pillow, not remembering what happened last night. He fluttered his eyes open slowly adjusting to the light. He saw the omega next to him, curled up into his chest. All of the events of last night slowly came back to him.

"Good morning Georgie," Dream said rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Mm good morning," the smaller said, hiding his face in the blondes chest.

"You want breakfast?" The blonde asked stretching a bit, then planting a kiss on the omegas head.

"Yes please,"

Dream got out of bed and went to the kitchen to make the two of them breakfast. The brunette soon following him.

"So did you sleep well?" Dream asked putting the bacon and eggs in a pan.

"Good... you?"George sat down on one of the stools.

"It was good, do you wanna train today or go out and do something?" The blonde said flipping the food.

"Yeah the training could be fun and you never know, I might just knock you to the floor", George said smiling to himself.

"Yeah good luck with that, your like a whole head smaller then me and I've been training for years now," Dream said with a proud smug look on his face, plating the food.


time skip, training

George and Dream stood in the lift, it slowly taking them to the bottom floor. It came to a sudden stop, but the doors didn't open.

"Umm why arnt the doors opening?" George said mildly worried.

"Uhh I don't know, we arnt at the bottom floor yet either," Dream said trying to press the -1 button.

"It's not lighting up. Wait... are we stuck in here," George said looking around, trying to see if there was an exit somewhere above them.

"I think so... well it's a good thing that we ate like half an hour ago isn't it," The blonde said chuckling a bit.

The lift want super small but you couldn't fit more than five people in it without it being cramped.

George lowered him self to the floor while dream pulled out his phone, trying to call Sapnap, but he didn't pick up.

"God dam it Sapnap," Dream said murmuring to himself.

"Let me guess, the power in this place is off and Sapnap is too busy doing other things to answer the phone," George said playing with his fingers.

"Yup he's probably fucking Karl or racing Quackity," Dream said lowering himself to the floor as well.

"Well we can talk and get to know each other more," George said crossing his legs like a toddler in nursery.

" my favourite colour is blue as I think you know, my favourite animal is a snow leopard,I'm colourblind, I used to work as a bar tender at a club, I don't really go outside much and I really like bowling," George said looking at Dream then nodding his head, signalling that the blonde should go next,"

"My favourite colour is green, my favourite animal is a tiger, I've got adhd and Sapnap thinks I've got anger issues, I used to work for a casino in town which I now own, I own the most deadliest mafia and I enjoy ice skating," Dream said looking at George , smiling lightly.

"I never knew that a big,bad mafia owner would like ice skating," George teased.

"And I didn't know a cute, little omega would like bowling," Dream had a smug look on his face.

"Well I'm pretty good at it," George said smiling proudly.

"Yeah I'm sure that's not the only thing your good at,"

George slapped Dreams arm, the blonde breaking out into a wheeze. The brunette just rolled his eyes playfully.

Dream calmed down a bit, looking at George in the eyes, they shared looks. They stayed there for a while almost like they were stuck there. They both leaned, kissing the other passionately. George tried to gain dominance but was yet again over powered by the alpha. They both melted into the kiss, as if their lips were made for each other. Dreams phone started to go off( just as it got spicy). Their lips pulled away, letting them both catch their breathe before Dream answered the phone.

"Hello?" Dream said rolling his eyes playfully, making George giggle a bit.

"Sapnap, we're stuck in the lift. Can you get us out?" Dream said running his hand through his hair.

"Thanks, I'll see you in a minute. Bye,"

"He gonna get us out?" George asked, hoping that he could help them.

"Well yes he can but he's out right now, he just saw that I called him, so we're gonna be stuck down here for a little longer," Dream said straightening his legs.

"Ohh, well that's alright but can we just watch a movie or something after this I don't really wanna get trapped in here again after training," George said having a little bit of a giggle at the end of the sentence.

"Sure," the blonde said chuckling.

time skip

Dream and George were taking about their childhood and other things when they heard rustling above them.

"Are you two making out in there, If so I ain't helping yas," Sapnap said opening a door above them.

"No sap see just trying not to die of boredom," Dream said kneeling down and putting his arms out so George can get out first. Sapnap lifted both of them out, looking at the two walking off.

"I'm gonna fix the wiring in the lift, Sapnap yelled.

"Okay we're gonna watch a movie," Dream said looking at George then smiling.

"Use protection," Sapnap yelled, rolling his eyes.

995 words

I'm gonna end it there I haven't written in forever... but how are you all, it's nearly Christmas too, but don't forget about Halloween 🎃👻.

Shimmer in your eyes (Omega verse + Mafia) Where stories live. Discover now