Raise Hell

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Young blood, run like a river
Young blood, never get chained
Young blood, heaven need a sinner
You can't raise hell with a saint
Young blood, came to start a riot
Don't care what your old man say
Young blood, heaven hate a sinner
But we gonna raise hell anyway

Raise hell
Raise hell
Somebody gotta, gotta raise a little hell
Baby drop them bones
Baby sell that soul
Baby fare thee well
Somebody gotta, gotta raise a little hell

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Oslo, Norway; 4 June, 1996

A desperate set of hands tightened into the vest of The Winter Soldier to haul him to his feet. He didn't even take a moment to look around at the chaos that he could feel erupting all around them. He simply allowed Tessa to get him back to his feet then took over supporting her to get them back into the transport, doing so by taking a harsh hold around her midsection with his metal fist pressed against her solar plexus. 

The sudden appearance of the blue smoke and its devil popped before them, stealing a scream of surprise from Tessa's throat before she could even think twice about it. It wasn't intentional by any means, and the face of the man looked a bit ... hurt by her action, but he didn't linger there for much longer.

As for the rest of the insanity, most of it was shielded by the unnatural fog that had descended on the area. Flashes of hot pink, electric blue and purple strobed like the light show of a concert. Had they not heard Logan's fighting before, his growls and roars would have been terrifying on their own.

There was a crackle of ice forming somewhere and bodies being thrown about in one direction or another. The only thing she and her Soldier could do was get out of the line of fire, and that was exactly what they were trying to do.

Neither Tessa nor her Soldier had ever really seen anything quite like what was going on, and they were entirely out of their element. Closing up the ramp, The Winter Soldier pushed beyond Tessa in a brisk attempt to get to the cockpit in order to get them out of the area.

His handler managed to make it to the copilot chair only a moment after he did, her hands grasping the restraints to strap herself in while her Soldier got them into the air.

"There's an aircraft above us," he stated, his fingers clicking over switches and the craft beginning to roar into life. "I indicate no weapons on board other than the pilot, but it seems the plane is designed more for surveillance than for anything else."

"Then hopefully they're too caught up in watching the fight unfold instead of figuring out where we're going," she responded, her eyes glued to the fight as she felt their transport lifting off of the ground. The VTOL kicked up dirt and trash and made the blanket of fog swirl violently in what resembled mini tornadoes beneath each downward thrusting engine.

An exhausted and reserved sigh was given when Tessa heard something hit the underside of their craft in passing the one belonging to Remy and Logan's people, a jet that was no longer in its stealth mode.

Tessa sent out a pulse that located the tracking beacon that had attached itself to their aircraft. She focused on guiding an electromagnetic pulse directly at the formerly obscured plane that would send the jet plummeting ten feet to the ground where it would remain a lump of metal until repaired.

For now, The Winter Soldier broke the crest of the courtyard and was immediately initiating throttle to carry them forward away from the area. His timing couldn't have been better; the pilot of the Blackbird sent a menacing beam of red energy in an arc upward toward their transport, but it didn't even graze the aircraft.

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