Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Aww Narry :3

Love, Em


//Niall’s P.O.V.

  “Uhm, okay. Thanks?” I say, slightly put off.  Harry seems like a nice lad but it’s like he’s flirting with me or something. And I have a loving boyfriend who I love and miss massively.

  “You look flustered there,” he notes, winking.  Which doesn’t help with the blush spreading across my cheeks. ”Cute.”

  Thankfully, the bell rings, freeing me from this torturous class.  Saved by the bell, I think.

  “Bye, see you around,” he calls out as I rush out of the classroom.

  My stomach grows real loudly, breaking all the tension that has managed to build up in my body.  I think I saw a Milkshake City on my way to school and I’ll definitely be making a tiny detour on my way home.  My car from Mullingar hasn’t arrived here yet so I’m stuck walking twenty minutes for the next little while.  A little exercise will do me good, Ma insisted when I asked for a rental.  Exercise my arse.  With my inhumanly fast metabolism, exercise is unnecessary.  Josh used to drag me to his gym workout sessions but he soon gave up because I always distracted him throughout the entire session in the way I know best.

  The snack shop, to my stomach’s relief, is only three of four minutes away from school.  I order an x-large with marshmallows and toffee sauce, Belgian waffle and ice cream , and extra syrup.  The cashier eyes my slim frame up and down, probably trying to figure out how the hell I stayed like this when I eat like a whale.

  And as my luck would have it, Harry and his posse strolls in.

  “Hey!” he greets enthusiastically, flipping the curls out of his right eye.  Is it just me or are his green eyes almost glowing in the fluorescent lights? Nah, it must be my imaginations.  Besides, I’m due for an eye check-up any day now.

  “Hey yourself.” I say back, sitting down in one of the larger tables. He grins widely as he seats himself right next to me , scooting closer.  I scoot an inch away from him in response.

  In a few minutes, our orders are brought out and I smile at my food.  Food is all I need, like seriously.

  “Are you having an early dinner or a big snack?” Louis asks, his eyes widening at the sight of my food selection.

  “Ig abbemite,” I mumble.  They all give me a blank look, so I swallow the waffle with a sip of my milkshake. “Big appetite.  I’m eating twenty-four seven.  Fast metabolism helps too.”

  Eleanor looks wistful. “Wish I was born with that.  The so-called model diet is nothing but edible. It’s like being on a diet all the time.”

  Louis squeezes her into a hug and says, “You’ll always  be beautiful to me, Ellie.’ Then he follows up with a sweet kiss on the top of her head.  As if on cue, everyone around the table coos and aw’s. 

  “Yeah, they are the sweethearts of the group,” Danielle points out. “Even though they drive us nuts half the time.

  “You wuv us,” Louis retorts in a childish voice, which is pretty brilliant at.

  “Freaking actor,” Harry mutters darkly, letting out a low chuckle.

  “Don’t we all know,” Eleanor says, looking smitten.

  I check my mobile for time.  School is over for Josh and I can’t wait to see his face again. I scarf down my Belgian waffle—which is very tasty, of course—and mumble, “I gotta get home now.  Wanna go Skype my boyfriend.”

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