Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

//Niall’s P.O.V.

  Harry then proceeds to take off his jeans.

  Fuck.  Luck really is not with me today.  He is wearing one of those tight Calvin Klein boxers that leave little to imagination around the front area.  The rest are baggy around his legs.  And why should he when he’s got that?  He is probably bigger than—I mean his legs have got to be longer than mine.  He has the advantage of height and his legs are as infinite as his torso.  They aren’t good-looking in a muscled, burly way, no.  But they are slim and toned in the almost delicate way. I rip my gaze from his body so I can finish dressing.  As quick as I can, I grab the smelly gym shorts and fight back a grimace as I pull it on.  My attempts must have been in vain as Harry chuckles after one glance at me.

  “Oh, c’mon.  Like you never had to burrow from the gym lost and found,” I mutter darkly.  Since I do not fancy smelling like sweat for the rest of the day, I take my t-shirt off and pull on the black, shapeless thing that is supposed to be a t-shirt on me.  Harry grins languidly and dresses himself slowly.  Is he some sort of exhibitionist or just plain lazy?  Not that I mind.  Nor do a couple guys I spot in the corner of my vision.  I swear, half the male population in his school are gay or bi.  Even if they aren’t, I’ve heard of some straight blokes talking about how they would still shift Harry.  Or me.  But I think that one was gay and indirectly flirting with me to get a reaction out of me.  Anyways, back to my miserable hour of exercise.

  Zayn stumbles into the locker room as the bell goes.  He smells like smoke.  I reckon he’s gone for a quick drag and just got back.  The entire school ground is tobacco-free [A.N. is it the same in UK?] so he would have had to go off into the woods behind the building. He shrugs off his jacket and starts stripping off his street clothes.  In less than a minute, he is in gym clothes so we head out. Harry jumps onto Zayn’s back and, laughing, Zayn makes a show out of shaking off the curly haired boy.  Once we have walked out to the field outside, Harry steps off Zayn’s shoulder.  His flexibility really amazes me.  How can he even go from having his leg wrapped around Zayn’s waist to his foot on his shoulder? I shake my head in bewilderment.

  The teacher was one of the easy going ones called Mr Higgins.  He doesn’t make me introduce myself (and possibly make a complete fool out of myself) and just goes on to set us off running laps around the track.  It’s a bit chilly with the season approaching end of fall and beginning of winter.  But running sure warms us up quickly.  Harry looks like he could e one of the faster runners yet he still keeps pace with me. Zayn, on the other hand, has flown past us and is in the leading group.  Even running doesn’t mess with his hair.  Of course, it wouldn’t. Once we have completed five laps around the track, the coach deems us warmed up enough and gathers us around. “Okay, class.  Today we are going to start the unit on football.  It’s easy, practically a national sport so none of you should feel lost playing it. How about Styles and Malik be team captains today?  I don’t care how you divide up the teams as long as there are equal members on each.  Go!”

  “Niall’s mine!” Harry says quickly.  Zayn laughs and winks at his mate.  For some reason, Harry blushes a bright shade of red and glares at him. I look at them both in confusion but Zayn waves me off, still laughing.

  I’m not the world’s greatest footballer but I still have game. Kind of.  The moment Higgins blows the whistle, I manage to wrestle the ball from the other guy and dribble across the field.  One advantage to being on the short side is that I’m nimble and fast on my feet.  Also, it’s easier to slip past by people. So I almost manage to score a goal.  Damn Tyler for being a good goalie. Harry proves to be a good athlete, always running around and shouting out encouragements.  The muscles in his legs flex and contract in a symphony of movement and I really can’t look away. Memories with Josh are a vague impression in my mind whenever Harry smiles, showing off his dimples.

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