Change Eight

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Change Eight

//Harry’s P.O.V.

  I lean over to ruffle Liam's short hair. Well what's left of it, anyways.  It's like a fuzzy carpet but impossibly shorter and attached to a lad's head.  Yeah, that made no sense but I am a part-cat. My whole existence doesn't even make sense.  Sometimes, I wonder if there are scientists out there researching us, the hybrids. Do the big-shot scientists even know that we exist or are we a figment of imaginations.

  I could have sworn that as my face is mere inches away from Niall's, his breathing picked up.  With my inhenced animal hearing, I hear his heartbeat starting to race (through my real cat ears, not the non-functional human ones). My gaze flickers towards his and for a moment, blue meets green with intensity that brings a flush to both our cheeks. He leans back in the chair and dives back into his food, apparently hungry again. I stop myself from sighing in frustration as I sit back in my chair. I'm not allowed to feel this way towards a boy who has a loving boyfriend for crying out loud! If they could keep a long-distance relationship for a month, that speaks volumes for their love, doesn't it?

  Who am I to mess that up?


=(  o  ㅅ o  )=

//Niall's P.O.V.

  God, this morning was way too awkward. My body was being stupid and over-reacting whenever Harry got within two-foot radius around me. Breakfast was only the beginning. 

  Since Liam proved to be massively grumpy with a hangover, the rest of us had to all but cater to him. We tried watching Toy Story (all three of them) and other Disney movies that I had in my collection but that did nothing to help to come back to his normal cheerful mood.    Heaven knows, we had to hand-feed him a giant bar of Hershey's chocolate and watch all the way back to Toy Story 1 before he smiled for the first time this morning. 

Note to self: never, ever, let Liam drink. Like ever.

Only when it was nearing three did we remember to call their girlfriends over. Wow, blond moment right there.

  Danielle came first, and she proper threw herself into Liam's arms, cooing sweet nothings into his ear. Eleanor and Perrie arrived two minutes, bearing gifts in the form of food: bottles of sparkling water, bundles of bananas and fried chicken and chips that were visibly dripping with grease.

  "Helps with hangover," Perrie explained.

  So now, all of us are sat in the sofas and carpeted floor, munching away at the food happily. The couples are cuddled up, which leaves Harry and I sitting apart from each other and feeling a wee left out.

  A sudden shriek splits the air as Louis assaults El with his hands, tickling her everywhere that his hands can reach without unclothing her. That manages a violent bout of tickle war to break out. Naturally, Harry targets me and lunges at me, his green eyes gleaming with amusement and purpose. He easily pins both my hands above my head and sits down atop my hips, his thighs squeezing around my hipbones. I gasp because my hipbones are one of my weak spots. Josh loves to use that to his full advantage, let me tell ya. His fingers skim the sides of my waist before they tickle me mercilessly.

  "Stop, stop!" I wail, squirming to get away from him. The others have stopped their couple's banter and are watching Harry and I, panting lightly from the brief exercise.

  "But you look so cute blushing and helpless," he cackles evilly.

  Helpless? I'm helpless now? Oh, wait, yeah, kind of.

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