Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five


“Erm,” Dani breathes. “What do we do now?”

Just as Eleanor is about to answer, an electronic beeping sound fills the large room and all the cage doors open.

Oh shit.

We’re in deep, trench-deep guano.

One of them crawls out—fucking crawls on hands and knees and shit—and eyes us with pure coldness and partly curiosity that can’t be explained as anything other than animalistic. 

You know the saying: curiosity killed the cat?  How about curiosity killed the humans?

Yeah . . . .

One of them, with red-gold hair and cat-green eyes approaches me.  He looks around fifteen or fourteen, with orange fluffy dog-ears poking out from the top of his ruler-straight (not the bendy rubber kind) red-gold hair.  See the irony of his catlike eyes?  No? Bitch, pay more attention.

Where was I? Oh yes, the part where a roomful of hybrids will either lick us to death (like Harry does to us whenever we visit his house in a not-so-joking manner. His tongue is more feline than human so it’s scratchy and soft at the same time, ach)

Dani has thrust me right in front of her and Eleanor since Zayn and I do share that tough couple reputation.  I take a defensive stance.  If I have to punch out a minor, than bitch, I might.

The blondie gets close enough to freaking sniff my vagina or my arse, so I clench up my fists.

 Suddenly, the air is knocked out of my lungs and my back is cold.  I realise that he has tackled me down to the floor.  And, ewww, is that wetness on my cheek? Both cheeks?  Animal cruelty or not, I will punch him at least once!

Just as I’m about to either deliver a kidney jab or neck chop, he. Fucking. Licks. My. Nose.  Zayn and I own a dog together!  I know what dog body language is!

“’Kay, Perr, calm down,” El soothes.


Yup, I jinxed myself.  The blondie licks my lips.

This has officially turned into a nightmare.

But like the not so happy trooper that I am, I soldier on. . . . .

Anyways, the hybrid kid just won’t stop sniffing me, and now it looks like he’s dangerously close to dry humping my legs.  God I hope that he is just too much like a puppy that he loves sitting on people’s laps.

Wait . . .

Something clicks inside my head.

I don’t think I’ve seen Harry’s eyes glow that bright in the dark, nor does he act more like a kitten than human when he is pissed.  Which is easy to do since he is a lightweight who needs two or three Mike’s Hard Lemonade bottles to get drunk.  One if he’s had a beer beforehand.

And nor does he lick people unless they have done something to deserve it.

These hybrids . . . .  they are more animal than human.

Let me just think about it. 

Yup, I’m right. 

“Yo, El! Dani!  Do you think that these kids are more animal than humans?” I ask.

They nod, trying to fend off curious cute hybrids of their own.  Scratch cute, not when they’re licking the skin off my chin, maybe.

“The evil doc talked about Case H-somethings.  Maybe Harry and the others holed up in his room are like him?  More human than kittenish or puppy like, I mean?”

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