Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

//Harry’s P.O.V.

Making Niall and Josh’s dinner made me realise just how much I long to be in Josh’s place. I didn’t mind the cooking, because I love cooking.  But sometimes the cat inside of me is harder to control.

It took all of me not to pounce on them and wrest Niall out of Josh’s grip and hiss, “mine, back off” to the sweet Irish boy.

Right now, I’m walking back to my house. Yes, it’s kind of a stupid thing to do at night but come on, I’m a grown man who can handle himself!

    ^----- ^

=( o  ,  o )=

//Narrator’s P.O.V.

Harry continues to walk down the deserted alleyway, confident that nothing is going to happen to him.

A couple minutes away from his house, Harry starts to get the feeling that he is being watched.  It’s the animal side of him that is giving him the warnings yet the human, trusting part of him is choosing to ignore it.

As he rounds a corner, he thinks that he can hear almost silent footstep behind him. hoping that this is just a coincidence, he speeds up until he is all but jogging slowly.

The footsteps continue to follow him.

Now only a block away from his house, he starts to full on sprinting.  Fuck, he thinks when the mystery person speeds up as well.

Heart pounding in his throat, Harry  rounds the last corner to his house.  A few more yards and he’ll be safe and sound inside his house.

Just then, someone jerks his arms back, pulling him to an abrupt stop; hurting his back a bit.  The movement sends a jolts of sharp pain shooting down Harry’s spine.  He lets out a wounded mewl, instantly cursing himself for that.

Something smelly is pressed to his nose and he doesn’t need to sniff it to know that it’s chloroform.  He struggles against his captor but the captor is far too strong for him.

A few seconds later, he passes out.

The last thing he sees is the broken streetlight that would have prevented from anyone seeing this.

Harry’s captor smiles evilly when the teenager goes limp in his arms.  He runs  his fingers through Harry’s thick curls, smirking when he finds the furry ears hidden by the curls. The man is wearing a ski mask, hiding any facial features from any onlookers.  He is carrying Harry bridal style, so that it might appear to the general public that they are lovers or something close to it.

He carries Harry to the white van that has been waiting for them.  The driver throws a cursory look at the unconscious boy as he is thrown on the backseat. “That what the doc asked for?”

“Yup, had the ears and all.” the more muscular man answers. “Now, where’s my grand?”

“Here,” the driver replies, whipping out a .09 and shooting the other man square on the heart.  

Shoving the body outside—with gloved hands, of course—he slams the door shut and drives away.

    ^----- ^

=( o  ,  o )=

Harry wakes to nothingness.

It’s dark even though Harry’s body clock is telling him that it is mid morning.  He tries raisin his hands but fails.  They are bound behind his back, wrenching his shoulders back into an uncomfortable position.  There is a dull ache in his shoulders and legs from having been thrown on to cold hard ground all tied up.  He opens his eyes but soon realises that he has been blindfolded.

What the fuck?

He opens his mouth to say something—say anything—but he has been gagged as well.

Call it animal instinct, but Harry can tell that this is going to end badly.

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