Chapter 4 - New Cases

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A/N - This chapter adds on types of ghosts, as well as other details not previously mentioned in the books. 

TW: Danger, Make-out sessions, etc. 

**Any similarities to real-life entities are purely coincidental. If you would like me to replace the name, please comment. Thanks!

    ~~Lucy's POV~~

      It has been a full 3 months since George, Holly, and Quill had figured out about us. Even though they knew, we still kept it on the down-low. Two days ago, a Ms. Pilbon had been sitting in our living room, describing her property's situation to us. George was staring at her, with a confused expression. Holly was looking at her inquisitively. Lockwood and I stared at eachother, trying to figure out what this meant. The previous night, we had installed the Greek fire, Magnesium flares, and Salt bombs in our utility belts, along with our rapiers. The following night, George was out of town with Flo, meeting her family. Holly and Quill had gone shopping for Quill's date with Monica Tabb. (a former Fittes agent) Although it had taken a LOT of persuading, Lockwood had convinced Holly to take the night off, and that we could handle it. I think both Lockwood and I had needed some alone time, and this was the perfect way to get it.

  We stood on the steps of the "schoolhouse", I think it was called. They hadn't used schools since the early days of the Problem. Let that aside, Lockwood and I let ourselves in, and formed a makeshift circle - a chain circle. "Shouldn't be too hard, should it, Luce?" Lockwood inquired. I felt a faint buzzing, and it was barely 8 PM. "Anth, I think we are in for something. There is already a Psychic Buzzing, and its not even 9 yet!" I was worried. We dug in our bags for some folding chairs and tea thermoses. At precisely 10, I heard a dripping. "Anth, do you hear that too?" "No Luce. You see that wall in shadow over there?" I scanned the wall. I noticed something at the bottom of it. I walked to the edge of the chains, and examined closer. "A-Anth, that's not a shad-" It was at this time that a wind on a still night blew everything to the southern wall. 

  In the middle of the room, all loose debris had begun to rotate around themselves. Ectoplasm off of the walls had begun to fly inwards, dousing Lockwood and I. I flinched as the ectoplasm burned my back and side. "Luce! Watch out!" Lockwood tackled me to the ground as soon as an old desk flew right through the space where my head had been, not a second ago.  Soon, apparitions had begun to line the walls. Dismantled body parts began to rain outside of the chains. A shadow had appeared inside of the tornado. All color drained from my face.

Connor O'Starbe.

Connor O'Starbe of O'Starbe and Associates was a renowned researcher. Just about eight years ago, he made a discovery-- Type Fours. This discovery was not widely accepted, and there had only been about 5 reports of this type of Visitor. We were now the sixth. One thing that wasn't know, however, was that they could speak. Me, being a listener, and one of the two people that had ever been able to speak to Visitors - Type Threes - and I was fairly suprised to find that this one was talking too; "Lucy. Lucy Carlyle. I am glad you have come to visit me. No-one here has been worthy of my presence in a while. I presume that this is the famous Lockwood, of Lockwood and co?" "Yes, that is I. And if you are going to harm her, harm me instead." Lockwood said. I blushed, and turned to Lockwood. "You can hear it too?" I hissed. "Why yes, he can, Lucy. You see, we type fours can choose who we allow to hear us. Although, we can only choose people who hear type threes, and their lovers. I turned a shade of crimson. "S-so you AREN'T going to harm us?" I asked. "Of course not. I wouldn't harm the only people I have talked to in sixty years." I remember a psychic scream, and then blacking out. I woke up in Anthony's bed, along with a curious silver-glass jar on the side. "Good morning, Lucy!" Two voices said. I bolted up, and saw not one, but two silver-glass jars. The skull, and the type four. I groaned, and laid my head back down. 

  I felt an arm snake around my waist, and pull me in. Lockwood flipped me over, and kissed me passionately. "Good morning, Lucy." He added.

End of chapter.

I liked adding in a case, although it was complicated. If you have any suggestions, leave them in the comments! :D

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