Character designs

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Asta : his hair is down like gojos again and he wears his cloak like Yami and has and wears a black collard shirt with the sleeves rolled up with his normal pants and boots. He keeps his devil contract arm out and has split his headband into sweatbands and put them around his wrist.

Noelle: has her hair down almost all the time and wears a blue dress when not on a mission but on a mission she wears her old pink and white shirt and skirt.

Yuno: basically his dad (don't want to type all that out)

Mimosa: she wears a green dress her hair is down like always.

Nash: he's grown to around to 5'11 got more swole and he dresses like a mini asta. (Doesn't always show it but he's astas biggest admirer)

Marie: she's 5'4 and wears a green and white shirt like Noelle when she's on a mission.

Nick: he's 6'1 and wears a short sleeve shirt with a bandage wrapped around his whole left arm with boots like astas. He wears a necklace that Emma gave him.

Emma: she's 5'6  and wears the normal golden dawn uniform with a bracelet Nick gave her.

Gauche: has a beard now and wears a nice purple button down shirt with his normal pants.

Gray: the same as before with her hair down to her shoulderblades

Gordon: (the biggest change) No longer has his hair back nicely it's a little messy. No more makeup and he wears the same thing he did before.
People who stayed the same:
Nero, Yami, Charlotte, Vanessa, Magna, luck, charmy, Julius, Fuegoleon, Nozel, Dorothy, Mereleona, and everyone else

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