Chapter 1, A Fresh Start

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Disclaimer: Images are not mine unless said so by me.

This takes place after S5 EP8.

3rd Person POV

It was a sunny Saturday, the Smith family, and Rick, were having breakfast. There was an awkward silence between them all. Jerry tried making conversation, but they ignored him, as usual.

"Who are you stalking now, Morty?" Summer took a peek at Morty's phone and saw that he was on Jessica's Instagram page, again.

"M-Mind your own business, Summer! I'm not stalking anyone.." Morty pulled his phone away, making sure Summer couldn't see.

"Morty's stalking Jessica again."

"S-Summer! I told you..I-I'm not stalking Jessica. I'm just looking at her photos on Instagram!" Morty turned his phone off and slid it inside his pocket, he decided to continue looking at Jessica's Instagram page later.

"That's just stalking in disguise." Summer always loved the annoyed and furious look on Morty's face everytime she messed with him.

"Morty, c-come on. L-Le-Let's go on a classic Rick and Morty adventure." Rick got up from his chair, and pulled Morty by his arm.

"Dad! Please make sure Morty is safe. Otherwise, you're dead." Beth sounded worried but angry at the same time.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry, sweety. M-Mo-Morty will be safe."

"Alright..I trust you, dad."

The two walked into the garage and went inside the car. Morty hoped it would be an adventure that wouldn't turn into a situation you can barely escape with all limbs..

"So Rick..W-Where are we headed off to?"


"N-Nowhere? I thought you said w-w-we were gonna go on an adventure?" Morty was curious. Rick wouldn't usually lie about going on an adventure.

"Yeah, nowhere. I just w-wa-wanted to..Relax." Rick took out his flask and took heavy sips from it.

"Why'd you bring me, Rick? If you wanted to r-relax..Wouldn't you go alone?"

Rick took time to answer, and silence was created between the two.

"I guess I just wanted to b..burp..ring you here. Even though we don't u-usually see eye to eye." Rick pushed his seat back while gazing upon space.

Morty's POV

Rick looks so relaxed. Usually, he'd be getting mad at me for doing something  I normally do. But today, he looks so fucking relaxed, that it's a little scary.

If I'm being honest, it's nice to be around Rick and just relax instead of having an adventure and almost die.

"Morty, do you..W-anna stay here a little longer or g-go home?"

Surprising, he asked politely..

"Oh..W-Well..Um..We can stay here a little longer if you want?"


"S-Sure. If your parents ask about the 'adventure', just make o-one up."

"Okay." I pushed my seat back just as Rick did and looked up into space. It was beautiful.

Chapter 1 is kind off short, stay tuned for Chapter 2. Ciao!

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